Arduino Leonardo Game Controller for Quadriplegics
by aknuth123 in Circuits > Assistive Tech
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Arduino Leonardo Game Controller for Quadriplegics

Click HERE for Demonstration Video
This project was to challenge us to build a game controller for people with Quadriplegia. But in this project we had to make the controller with materials that an average Joe had at there house. In class we learned the different elements of code like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, we learned how these coding languages can wok together to create a simple game. We also learned how to manipulate different aspects of the game by changing the code. We then took this and added code to an Arduino to make it act like a MakeyMakey with pull down resistors giving the Arduino a cleaner signal. This made is so even the slightest current like touching the positive and negative with your hand would give a clear signal. Using this homemade MakeyMakey we prototyped a game controller that we designed and built.
MakeyMakey (Simpler but more expensive Arduino)
Hot Glue
Exacto Knife
Tin Foil
3 Feet of Rope
Duct Tape or Electrical Tape
Paper Clips (3)
Click here to download the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
Arduino Leonardo Code - CLICK HERE to download. Copy and past into Arduino software. Then make sure in tools and then board that it is set to Arduino Leonardo. Run the code and install the appropriate libraries.
The Circuit

For this step you be making the circuit that makes signals for the Arduino. First you should prototype on a breadboard so that you know that your circuit works. You will attach the four resistors to the five volt port and the other end of your resistors will go to the four ports labeled A0 - A3 on the Arduino. The other end of each resistor is also a signal wire that will go to your switches. Then just attach a ground to the ground pin on the Arduino the ground will also have to go to the other side of all of your switches.
Frame and Buttons

To build the frame you will start by getting your three pieces of mettle. NOTE: the sides of the fame should not be conductive while the back should be. First use eight screws found in the Aluminum Pieces kit to connect the three pieces of mettle. Your frame is done. Now to make the buttons you will need three pieces of cardboard all about two and a half inches in length and an inch in width. Also grab your duct tape, tree paperclips, tinfoil, and five alligator clips. First you should cut two pieces of tinfoil about four inches in length and one inch in width. Now strip two of the alligator clips and tape the striped end too the top of the frame, tape the pieces of tinfoil on top of these wires. Next cut three more pieces of tinfoil each a little bit bigger then your cardboard. Wrap your cardboard in the tinfoil and tape it down to secure it. Now you will want to bend the paperclips to a 45 degree angle. Next cut one end off of the alligator clips and strip the end of the wire where you made this cut. Now wrap the striped end of the wire to one side of the paperclip. Tape these paperclips underneath the pieces of tinfoil you taped down earlier. Now cut a small slit in the tinfoil on the cardboard and slide the other side of your paperclip in. Use hot glue to hold it in place.
The third switch is a bit different. You should already have a piece of cardboard with tinfoil on it and a paperclip bent at a 45 degree angle and a wire wrapped around the paperclip. The piece of mettle that this button is attaching too is conductive so make sure your paperclip isn't touching it. I accomplished this by wrapping some tape around the mettle and then taping the paperclip to the tape. Now add a piece of wire about two or three inches long on top of the tape and bend it trough the holes in the mettle, tape this wire too the mettle. Next you will cut a silt in the tinfoil but this time make sure it is on the height of the cardboard. Slide the paperclip into the slit and add some hot glue to hold it in place. Finally attach the wires that are attached to the paperclips to your circuit and the wires that are under the tinfoil to the ground in the back. You are done with your buttons.
NOTE: You will need to attach the ground from the circuit to the conductive mettle piece.

To build the supports start by cutting a piece of cardboard so that is about a foot long and six inches in width. Next measure two inches in from each side and make a dot, do this to the other side of the cardboard and then connect your dots. Now score your cardboard on these lines witch should run the length of the cardboard. For this next part you might have to fiddle with the measurements so that the cardboard fits your shoulders better. Measure two inches in along the foot long side and make a dot, measure a half inch and make a dot. Now find the middle of these dots so that you have a triangle with the point touching the scored lines you made earlier. Cut this triangle out and then repeat about two inches away and on the other side. Repeat on another piece of cardboard.
At this point you should have two pieces of cardboard with four triangles cut out of them. Next you will connect the tips of these triangle with a line and score the cardboard along this line as well. Now bend the cardboard and hot glue all the edges together.
Finally glue the cardboard supports to the underside of the mettle and add rope or Velcro to this card board so that it can go under the shoulders and tie or clasp to hold everything in place. I glued the Arduino and my circuit to the underside of the supports so that everything looks nice but feel free to put it where ever is best.
NOTE: Reference Step 4 for a diagram.