Arduino Led and Buzzer Timer

This instructable will walk you through the steps to make a Led and Buzzer Timer. When the pushbutton is pressed, another LED will light up every 2 seconds as the circuit counts down to 10 seconds. When the 10-second timer expires, the piezo buzzer will beep for 3 seconds and the LEDs will all flash to indicate that the timer is done.

Supplies Required to Build this Project:
Arduino UNO × 1
Red Led x 2
Green Led x 2
Yellow Led x1
Pushbutton switch × 1
1k ohm Resistor × 6
Buzzer × 1
Breadboard (generic) × 1
Jumper wires (generic) × 15-20
Links to Purchase Supplies:
Arduino UNO:
Red Led:
Green Led:
Yellow Led:
Jumper Wires:

Link to ThinkerCAD to help you understand the circuit:
Step by Step Instructions
- First off you should start by placing all of your LED on your bread board
- Then you should add your 5 (1k) resistors from your cathode to the negative rail
- From there you should you should add your push button ( in the same pin located as the one in TinkerCAD)
- After that you should connect a resistor from the negative side to the negative rail
- Following that you should connect your positive side to your positive rail
- Then you should use the negative side of the button again to connect it to slot number 2 on your Arduino UNO board
- After setting up your push button, you should place the buzzer on the breadboard ( in the same pin located as the one in TinkerCAD).
- Afterwords connect the negative side of your buzzer to the negative rail
- Then the positive side to solt number 8 on your Arduino UNO board
- Moving on from there you should add connections from your LED's anode to the Arduino UNO board ( as listed in ThinkCAD)
- Then you should add power and ground to your bread board
- After that you should upload your code and test your circuit

[ The link below leads to the Arduino file for the code ]
Final Product

Demonstration of the Circuit:
To begin the circuit, tap the push button, and thus the countdown will start. Using the code, you can alter the timings across each pause, as well as change the led colours to your preference.