Arduino LED Traffic Light

For this project:
This project is a traffic light stimulation system with LED techniques. The purpose of this project is to promote the importance of looking at the traffic lights while crossing a street.
I got this idea from:
How does the idea work?
The original idea is a simple LED blinking system, including red, yellow, and green lights, where red represents “stop”, yellow represents “wait and look around”, green represents “go”. Each of the lights blinks every four to five seconds and blinks at a certain rate or pattern. However, I improved this idea to blinking every two seconds and different patterns with the same lighting color remaining.
Changes: (By additional coding)
-Decrease blinking rate to an average of two seconds/lighting color
-Change the pattern rate between yellow and green lights
Preparing Materials

-Arduino x1
-Breadboard x1
-Jumper wires x4
-220-ohm Resistor x3 (Red, Black, Red, Brown)
-Red LED x1
-Yellow LED x1
-Green LED x1
-USB Cable x1
-Transparent Plastic Cardboard x1
-Scissors x1
-Tape x1
-Marker x1
Connecting the GND

This is the first and most indispensable step, connect a wire from GND to the negative rail on the breadboard.
Setting Up Wires

(See the image above)
1. Plug a wire from 12 on the Arduino to the left side of the 220-ohm resistor.
2.Plug a resistor right beside the wire.
3.Plug a red LED on the bottom of the two components, make sure to match the right grid.
4.Plug a wire from 11 on the Arduino to the left side of the 220-ohm resistor.
5.Plug a resistor right beside the wire.
6.Plug a yellow LED on the bottom of the two components, make sure to match the right grid.
7.Plug a wire from 10 on the Arduino to the left side of the 220-ohm resistor.
8.Plug a resistor right beside the wire.
9.Plug a green LED on the bottom of the two components, make sure to match the right grid.


Paste the following coding to the Arduino software and upload it.
const int green = 10; // Pin of the green LED
const int yellow =11; // Pin of the yellow LED
const int red = 12; // Pin of the red LED
void setup() {
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);