Arduino LED Music Doorbell

by nicole2005 in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino LED Music Doorbell


This is a doorbell that has music and lights. I reformed this from "Arduino LED Chaser ( With 5 Effects )" by Shoeb ALI ( I added a speaker and a button to make the doorbell. In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to make this LED-music doorbell with Arduino.



-Breadboard x1

-Arduino Uno x1 (with cable )

-LED x9 ( 3 Orange, 3 Green, 3 Blue LEDs)

-Jumper cables x16

-Arduino speaker x1

-Arduino alligator clip x1

-Arduino button x1

-Arduino resistor x1

Circuit Connection


1. Add LED's on breadboard according to circuit diagram connect all LED negative terminal on the negative port of breadboard

2. My pattern of the LEDs is O G B O G B O G B, but you can add LED according to your choice.

3. Connect jumper cables on the positive side of each LED's

4. Now take Arduino and connect the 2nd terminals of these jumper cables with digital pin 1 to 9 of Arduino.

5. Connect the ground pin of Arduino with an alligator clip to clamp the wire that connects to the negative side of all LEDs.

6. Take your Arduino speaker plug the positive wire to digital pin 12 and use the alligator clip that you just used to clamp the negative wire.

7.Plug the resistor, five jump cables, and the button onto the breadboard. There will be one on GND and one on 5v, one on digital pin 10. The other two will be connecting the resistor to positive and negative.


For programming open Arduino IDE software on your computer.

Here is the code that I wrote. Upload this to your computer to work.


Arduino 期中專題 9B廖得媁

So now the LEDs and the speaker will work when you press the button.

I put it in a box to cover the cables and other stuff to make it prettier and neat. Only a hole for the lights and the button will be sticking on the top of the box.