Arduino LED Indicating Light

Have you or the elders in your family ever want to wake up and go to the bathroom at midnight but can't find the light switch nor the way to the bathroom? This light can solve your problem! The indicating light could help you find the way to the bathroom during the night(when the room is dark). So you will be safer and it lowers the risk of falling down in the darkness while you are busy finding the lights or the way to the bathroom.
How it works: When you are ready for bed and switch off the lights, the photoresistor would sense the darkness and lights up the LED. The small LED could tell you where the button is, so you won't have to find the button in the darkness. Once you press the button, you can turn on the LED light strip(indicating light) which can help you find your way, and prevent you from hitting the wall.
Gather Materials

To make this project, we will need:
- LED light strip
- Arduino LED
- Wires
- Breadboard
- Arduino
- Click button
- Photoresistor
- Resistor
Connect the Wires

Photoresistor part:
- + >5V
- - >GND
- one wire connect + and breadboard*
- put photoresistor on breadboard*, behind the wire in (3.)
- put resistor(blue) in front of the photoresistor
- insert another wire in front of resistor >A0
- - >breadboard
- breadboard> D12
- put one LED light behind the wire
- put a resistor(yellow) behind the LED
- wire - >breadboard
- wire + >breadboard
- insert the button(behind wire)
- put resistor(blue) in front
- breadboard>D2
- breadboard> -
Solder the Wires and LED Strip Light

Solder the LED with jumper wires so that it could connect to Arduino. At the end of the strip light, solder 4 wires. Then connect two of the wires:
Then connect another wire behind the previous wire(aligned in a row)---wire>D10
Make It Prettier

Use a small box(in this case I use a shoebox) to put the breadboard and Arduino inside, so people won't see the messy wires. And because we don't want the photoresistor and the small LED to be blocked by the box, we need to make the box lower so that they can be seen. Therefore, the next step is to cut the box in half. (we will keep the bottom part, also the cover)
Next, cut a small hole on the side to let the LED strip light come through.
Then, on the opposite side, cut another hole to let the USB wire go through.
You might want to use hot glue to make the board more stable, and it won't move around in the box. Use the glue on the four corners of the board.
Next, poke three holes on the cover of the box: for photoresistor, LED, and button. The button should be perfectly fitted in that hole.

Upload the codes to Arduino.
Go to this link for the code provided-----

Then you finish making! You now can have an indicating light in your room or you can put it in elders room to help them.