Arduino Jump the Block Game

This is a fun LCD game in which the game turns off and on using the Potentiometer and the game is controlled using a push button. In the game, there is a small man/ character on the bottom of the screen and when you press the push button the game will start in which there are blocks that coming towards your characters way in the LCD and you must jump to avoid the blocks using the same push button. Also when you lose by not being able to avoid the block, the red Led turns on and the buzzer gets on. To restart just press the push-button again which will turn the led and buzzer off.
Gather the Components

Making the Circuit

On the upper side of the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) module is a 16-pin male header. As seen in the picture, connect this to the breadboard. This header receives all of the electrical signals that power and control the LCD.

To begin, make sure the Arduino program is installed on your computer. On your machine, save the LCD Game.ino file from this page and open it with the Arduino app. Check to see if the board is programmed properly.
Using the USB cable, attach the Arduino to your device. This will give the Arduino/game power and allow you to upload your programme to the Arduino.
The LCD display's screen should light up at this stage.
Here is the Code:
Finally Here Is My Video
Have fun enjoying and making this! All the code and circuit is in the images and links above.