Arduino Controlled Terrarium

by PraetorianCZ in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Controlled Terrarium

Hi everyone, this is my first attempt to actually create something useful using an Arduino board. My first thought was an automatic terrarium control for my ball python so wish me luck...hopefully it won't burn down :)

WARNING: We are going to work with high voltage so be careful! Everything is on your own risk.


• Temperature measurement
• Humidity measurement
• Room temperature measurement
• Room humidity measurement
• Temperature control
• Light control (timer)
• Fan/Humidity control (in the future)
• Displaying all the values on LCD

I have some basic programming /engineering skills so I'm probably going to find out few things during the process I should do differently, but for now...

List of parts:

• Arduino NANO $2,30
• 4-Channel Relay $3
• DHT22/AM2302 Sensor $3,10
• DS3231 RTC Modul $1,00
• 1.8" TFT LCD Display $3,80
• 5V power adapter $1,00 (any mobile charger should do)
• 3x Power Socket ABB 5525N-C02347 $7,00
• Light DPDT On-Off Snap in Switch $1,50
• 2x Male + female 3,5mm jack connectors (for DHT22 sensors) ~$4
• Wires
• Box (when all parts arrive I will decide if the box/case will be 3D printed or bought somewhere). At the moment I have two designs in mind, we'll see which one is going to be used.

Connecting the Components


This connection is simplified, the actual connection will probably use small breadboard and separate power to single components.

DS3231 RTC -> Arduino

VCC -> 5V
SDA -> A4
SCL -> A5
SQW -> (not used)
32K -> (not used)

LCD -> Arduino

LED -> 3V3
CSK -> D13
SDA -> D11
AO -> D9
CS -> D10
VCC -> 5V

DHT22 -> Arduino (terrarium)

VCC -> 5V
Data -> D2
NC -> (not used)

DHT22 -> Arduino (room)

VCC -> 5V
Data -> D3
NC -> (not used)

Relay board -> Arduino

IN1 -> D4
IN2 -> D5
IN3 -> D6
IN4 -> D7
VCC -> 5V

Arduino -> Power

VIN -> +5V
GND -> -5V

Let's Start the Program...


At first I want to make sure that the temperature and humidity values coming from DHT22 sensors are correct and the code is able to control relays. So let's connect sensors and relay board to Arduino and upload the code.

I'm still waiting for some components to arrive. Once I have them, the instructable will continue...



I was really looking forward to create this device and I got almost everything working but then I got my hands on NodeMcu Lua 12e which was more suitable for this project (using a webserver). It was much easier than using ardunio; all I needed was the board and relay, no need for display or RTC module. I will post link to this instructable once it is done.

Update II:

Here is the promised link. Creating the TerraControl was really fun job! I have got many more ideas how to improve it so as I see it, it will be continuous Instructable. Enjoy and please share it with other!