Arduino Clock

I made an arduino clock
-hot glue gun
-3d printer
-duct tape
-sand paper

This is how the wiring is supposed to look for it to tell time
This is the front of the airplane and the first part of the airplane
This is the body of the airplane and the second part of the airplane. I will attach this to the front part with hot glue but for the hot glue to work I must sand the pieces until it is a smooth base first. A squared hole will also be made at the top for the lcd to fit and be glued to and show us the time
This is the tail of the airplane and the third part of the airplane. This will be attached to the back and sanding and hot glue will also be used but before that is done we will place the wiring and arduino and the breadboard inside the body of the airplane.
These are the wings for the plane and one wing will be placed on each side.