Arduino Based IR Remote Decoder
by sainisagar7294 in Circuits > Arduino
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Arduino Based IR Remote Decoder

To decode any universal remote values we can use this code and schematics. This is Arduino Based IR remote decoder.
Hello guys, today in this tutorial we are going to make an IR Hex data decoder using Arduino. We will print the values of decoded data on LCD. The schematics, circuit diagrams, PCB layout and Arduino code will be described in detail. In last we will focus on some IR remote libraries and discuss the problem in these Arduino libraries. Sponsored by JLCPCB.
Basic Idea

Every digit/button of IR remote have identity number. This is given by microcontroller inside remote control and transmitted through IR led. This data is in the form of 0 and 1. To understand the data in Hex format, we need to capture it and decode using microcontroller. We will capture this data using TSOP1738 IR receiver and decode the data using Arduino’s Atmega328p.
Breadboard Schematics

Components Required
1) TSOP1738
2) Arduino
3) 16x2 LCD (with I2C)
4) 100-ohm resistor
5) IR remote
6) 9v battery
Circuit Diagram

Circuit Making

The circuit is too simple, just put IR Tsop receiver and give power using GND and VCC lines. Connect data pin to any digital pin of microcontroller. Print the values using I2C communication on 16x2 LCD. The values are given in Hex decoded format like: F897E456 ( 8- digits).
Working in Brief
Each remote button number has different address, this address is given by microcontroller to each button. And the data is transmitted using IR led in front of remote. This is encoded binary data in 0101 format.
This transmitted data is received using TSOP infrared sensor. The data is decoded in Hex format (E556F562) using microcontroller.
To see the decoded data, we can use serial monitor or LCD (16x2).
Arduino Code
/* hello guys here I am using older versions on IR library so please download and install all the previous version (to be precise IRremote-2.8.0 library).
* the link to download preferred library is:
* This code is made by Sagar saini/ Youtube: sagar networks
* Any questions or queries DM me on instagram Saini_sagar_7294.
* Explore my website for more interesting projects:
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);
const int RECV_PIN=8;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup()
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
void loop() {
if (IrReceiver.decode())
Serial.println(IrReceiver.decodedIRData.decodedRawData, HEX);
lcd.print("IR DECODED");
lcd.print(IrReceiver.decodedIRData.decodedRawData, HEX);
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
Decoded Values for My Universal Remote

This is a universal stereo Bluetooth remote and the values are same for all remotes of this type/ you can match 1-2 values and then go with this decoded data.
1) ED127F80
2) FE017F80
3) FB047F80
4) F8077F80
5) F50A7F80
6) F30C7F80
7) FF007F80
8) E51A7F80
9) FD027F80
10) FA057F80
11) F7087F80
12) E41B7F80
13) F20D7F80
14) F00F7F80
15) E11E7F80
16) FC037F80
17) F9067F80
18) F6097F80
19) E01F7F80
20) F10E7F80
21) E6197F80
About Jlcpcb

JLCPCB is CHINA’s No.1 PCB manufacturing company. Offers high precision Pcb boards, Low cost and fast delivery. Try JLCPCB in just $2 for 2-layer PCB boards and $5 for 4-layer PCB. Easy to order and provide 6-color solder mask options. Try from here
Arduino Library and Problems
Implementation and More

I think the solo project is not valuable, we can decode the data and make different project using these decoded values. Like:
A remote clone, which not exactly looks like a remote to a lay man.
RC car using Arduino and IR remote.
FAN, Light controller relay system.
For more just follow us on Hackster and Hackaday. To ask any question or query regarding project, code and circuit just DM me on Instagram saini_sagar_7294.