Arduino AED Education

by C_20060114 in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino AED Education

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As a scout, the skill to use AED is necessary for us to achieve the first aid merit badge. However, AED skill is not crucial only for scouts. People should learn about how to perform emergency treatment because everyone can be in danger at any time. Therefore, learning to use AED might help save your life or even your friends' lives. Having this in mind, I developed an AED educational tool to facilitate the learning of someone new to scouts and everyone who has the responsibility to learn about first aid treatment. Before going deep into my project, I would like to introduce some basic knowledge of AED. A common slogan that most people have heard about using AED is 1. Turn the Power on 2. Attach AED pads 3. Shock if necessary. In Chinese, it would be 1.開電源 2.貼貼片 3. 插電線至電擊插孔內. Although the two other steps in English are also important while practicing first aid performance, I will focus on the second step of the AED slogan throughout my project. For anyone that is curious about the two other steps and how to perform a standard AED shock, I will introduce these steps below:

1. Turn the Power On:

This step is the easiest of the 3 steps and all you need to do is push the power button to activate the AED A.I. After activating the AED A.I., it will then guide you through the whole process of performing an electrical shock.

2. Attach the AED pads:

After turning the AED A.I. on, you will need to attach the AED pads to the following positions: right shoulder and left belly (relative to the patient). Please note that the position is "relative to the patient" and should be the opposite: left shoulder and right belly when looking from your perspective. Remember that the pad should not be directly on the shoulder, but above the patient's right chest and below his right shoulder.

3. Shock if necessary

Before giving an electrical shock to the patient, you will need to check if the wires are connected to both the AED and the AED pads. If the wires are connected to both of them, the AED will then go through a heartbeat diagnosis. During the diagnosis, please do not approach the patient and notify others to stay away from the patient. If a shock is necessary, press the button and give the patient an electrical shock. If a shock is not necessary, continue doing CPR until medical personnel arrives or when the patient is breathing normally.

When performing a first aid treatment, it is always the most important to ensure your own safety before approaching the patient. After reviewing the steps of an AED shock, I will now discuss the process that I came through to develop this topic. When examining step 2 of an AED shock, you can see that the position is important and cannot be changed when performing a first aid treatment. In order to ensure that students attach AED pads at the right position, I planned to use tin foil and LED to remind students of the positions' importance. If students place the AED pads at the correct place, the tin foil will then allow electricity to pass and green lights will light up to tell students that they have attached the pads correctly. On the other hand, green lights will be dark if students attach the pads to the wrong position and they will notice their error when exploring for the right position. Before entering the procedure to make this device, let's introduce some materials necessary for this project! Here are the materials:


-Jumper wire (Male and Female) *4

-Jumper wire (Male to Male) *16

-Alligator Clips *4

-Green LED *2 (Color optional: best if its connotation matches the purpose)

-Breadboard *1

-Arduino Leonardo *1

-Laptop *1

-1K Ω resistor (blue) *2

-100-ohm resistor (Color code - brown black brown) *2

-USB to Type C dongle *1

-Tinfoil *1 roll


-Transparent tape *1 roll

-Box *1(Length: 21, Width: 12, Height: 9 cm)

-Shoebox *1 (Length: 29.5, Width: 20.5 , Height [with lid] : 11 cm)

-Black marker *1

-Red marker *1

-Blade *1

-Empty A4 paper *2

Assembling the Circuit

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Please assemble your components on the breadboard according to the pictures given. Note that you can change the pins of the LED and the tinfoil pads. In addition, you need 4 additional (male to female) jumper wires and 4 additional (male to male) jumper wires to connect your tinfoil pads to your Arduino board. In order to replace the button with jumper wires, you need to attach a (male to female) jumper wire to the spot below the 1K Ω resistor (blue) and another one spot block away from the first (male to female jumper wire). Repeat the steps above to replace another button with wires. As for the other wires which connect the tinfoil pads to the positive row, negative row, and the digital pin, attach them to the breadboard according to the pictures given. Next, you will need to attach the (male to male) jumper wires to the (male to female) jumper wires by plugging the male end of the (male to male) jumper wires to the female ends of the (male to female jumper wires. Repeat this step until every (male to female) jumper wire has a (male to male) jumper wire on top. After doing so, you will need to cut a piece of tinfoil from the roll you prepared in the previous step. (each approximately 9 cm in length and 6.5 cm in width) Attach the pieces of tinfoil that you cut and attach them to the (male to male) jumper wires by sticking the (male to male) jumper wires onto the tinfoil using transparent tape. However, do not use the same resistors when attaching the LEDs and the tinfoil pads. Instead, you should use the 1K Ω resistor for the tinfoil pads while using a 100-ohm resistor (Color code - brown black brown) for the LEDs.


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Finally, it's time to test whether the device will work. Since I've already written the code for you, I will just paste a link to my sketchbook where you can download the code directly into your Arduino IDE and launch it. Please note that you are welcome for any revision of other usages. Link to my sketchbook:

Side note:

Sorry if the Chinese explanations on the side caused any inconvenience in comprehending the code. However, I will provide an English translation below:

First of all, the explanation for line 9 basically says that: "If students using this device attached the tinfoil pads to the correct position, then pin D2 and D4 will be detected."

Afterward, the explanation of line 10 says that: "LED at D12 will light up if the condition mentioned in the previous line is met and its green color tells the student that he/she has attached the tinfoil pads at the correct position."

Third, line 11 says that the LED at D11 will also light up to indicate that the student has done the second step of an AED shock correctly if the condition mentioned in line 9 is met.

Finally, line 14 and 15 says that if the student attached the tinfoil pads to an incorrect place, then D2 and D4 will not be detected and the LEDs at D12 and D11 will stay dark because the student has done step 2 incorrectly.

Congratulations! You have finished the device and can start testing the device.


Decorating the Device (Optional)

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After ensuring the functionality of the device, it is time to take care of its aesthetics. Before putting ornaments on the device, prepare a box with dimensions as following: (Length: 21, Width: 12, Height: 9 cm) and a shoebox with dimensions: (Length: 29.5, Width: 20.5 , Height [with lid] : 11 cm). In addition, prepare a roll of transparent tape, red marker, black marker, blade, and 2 A4 papers for decorating the device. After these tools are ready, let's get into the small steps of step 4.

1. Attach the Tinfoil Pads

Before placing your device into a box, we need to attach the tinfoil pads onto the shoebox. Since the LEDs only work when the two tinfoil pads of the same pin are attached, we need to stick one of the two tinfoil pads of each pin onto the shoebox using transparent tape. In this case, I taped the tinfoil pad of the white wire from D4 onto the right side (Length) of the shoebox. As for D4, I taped the tinfoil pad of the orange wire from D2 onto the top left corner (Side) of the shoebox.

Side note:

The shoebox is placed in this direction: (Width side: 20.5 facing yourself and the tinfoil on the right side of the shoebox should be the closest to you)

2. Placing the Device Into a Box

Before keeping your device in a box, cut the side with dimensions (Length: 12, Width: 9 cm) open. After doing so, you will need to cut a smaller hole with side lengths of 2 cm for the USB to Type C dongle on the same side. Just before you put away your blade, you will need to cut two more holes with dimensions (Length: 2, Side: 1.5 cm) 8 cm away from the side of the box (the one that has a length of 12 cm) and 5 cm away from the length of the box (the one that has a length of 21 cm). Congratulations! You have finished making the basic structure of your device's container and are ready to preserve your work in the box. Before placing the AED education tool into the box, you will first need to connect your laptop to Arduino Leonardo via USB to Type C dongle through the small hole (Side length: 2 cm). After doing so, you will need to take the tinfoil wires out of the box (without detaching them from the breadboard) and tuck Arduino Leonardo into the box together with the breadboard. Finally, you will need to close the side (Length: 12, Width: 9 cm) gently while squeezing the wires in the gap between the side and the top of the box.

3. Final Decorations

After creating the container of your device, it is time to make the education tool closer to reality. In order to do so, you will need to draw a red cross on top of your container and write "AED" also on top of the container. As for the other sides of the box, you can draw whatever is relevant to the topic as you wish. Lastly, you will need to decorate the shoebox by drawing a human abdomen at the bottom of the shoebox. Since you've already learned the correct positions of AED pads and attached the tinfoil pads according to the positions, you can draw each part of the abdomen relative to the tinfoil pads. Congratulations! You have finished this project! I've provided a demonstration video below for reference when testing the functionality of your device if needed. Thank you for your patience and hard work in finishing this project!

Check Functionality

Arduino AED Education Tool

Please refer to the demonstration Video given. Thank you for your effort!