Arduino 8x8 LED Matrix With Button
by huanhuan0414 in Workshop > Lighting
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Arduino 8x8 LED Matrix With Button

In this instructable, I am going to show how to use an LED Matrix by Arduino. Following the step carefully, and you will make it successfully!
Prepare Tools and Components

Arduino Leonardo
5V power supply
8x8 LED matrix with MAX7219
head wires
Electrical conductance (electronic color code: white brown orange black brown brown)
Connect Circuit

- Matrix-breadboard(picture 1)
Max7219 CLK => Arduino digital pin10
Max7219 CS => Arduino digital pin9
Max721 DIN => Arduino digital pin8
Max721 GND => Arduino digital GND
Max721UCC => 5v
- Button-breadboard(picture 2)
Pin 1 => 5v
Pin 2 => conductance(the other pin connects to GND) and Arduino digital pin2
- Final circuit(picture 3)
Programming Code

The function of this code is when you press down the button, the LED matrix will appear in the shape of a heart. Changing the code can help you generate different patterns on the Matrix. In the following pictures, you will learn how to change the code on shaping shapes.
(Pictures from

Can you think of any use of this instructable? I think it’s a good tool when you are making a birthday gift to your love. In the following pictures, you will find out how to make it.
Prepare a box and make 2 holes. (one for matrix, another for button) (Picture 1 and 2)
Decorate your box! (Picture 3)
Choose a nice gift and give it to your love!