
by LucasGrate in Circuits > Arduino

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Welcome to one of my projects called Arduino traffic light.This project is a project that shows you the basics about coding.



When planning a project, one of the key components is to list all the materials your are using to sussesfully do this project.Because we are building a project that is a little complicated we will need to have all our materials listed.

  • Breadboard
  • 3 Led Lights
  • 6 Wire cable
  • 3 Resisters

Steps to Build It.

Learn the basics of how to build an arduino.And then created the trafic lights arduino.To create the arduino I had to do 3 simple things.

Step 1:Connect wire cables

Step 2:Add led lights

Step 3:Add resistors.

Step 4:Add code

Step 5

And now enjoy your project.

