Apple IPod IPhone Charger!

This is NOT MY DESIGN! This is matt.e.jenkins design. Just so you guys know...
This is my Altoids USB Charger. I made it so it runs on a 9V battery and charges iPods an iPhones. It is very efficient, but it's more of an emergency charger. I used a 175mAh battery on it, and it started to charge, not the plug sign. If you get that, it isn't exactly charging. It's feeding electricity to the battery, but the battery is using more than is given. So its battery is dying slower, if you get the plug sign. The lightning bolt means it is charging.
1- 9V battery
1-9V battery clip
1- toggle switch
1- LED
1- 350 ohm resistor
1- 22uF capacitor
1- 5V Regulator
1- 10nF capacitor
2- 33k Resistor
2- 22k resistor
1- Female Usb
Tiny Perforated Board
Some sort of Enclosure (If you don't use metal, you won't need electrical tape)
Electrical Tape
How Does the Charger Work?

Solder It!

The Tin

