App Based Home Automation for Kids
by in Circuits > Remote Control
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App Based Home Automation for Kids

In these pandemic days kid's find it very difficult to do fun stuff, in this project I have tried to built a task for kids that they can do at home and also learn new things. It is designed keeping in mind the STEM learning concept.
The following design is made under the idea of STEM learning for kids. Here we use a ESP8266 NodeMcu Microcontroller to create a Wi-Fi access point. Then using app inventor Kodular we develop an application to connect to ESP8266 and control the led, turning them ON and OFF wirelessly.
Make the Connections

1. Connect Pin D2 to positive end of the first Led and other end of that Led to GND(Ground) terminal.
2. Connect Pin D3 to positive end of the second Led and other end of that Led to GND(Ground) terminal.
(Resistors showed in the Circuit diagram are not necessary, they just limit the current through the Led which help for their longer life)
3. Hook up a micro USB Cable in the usb port to power the ESP8266 board through a mobile charging power bank or mobile phone wall adapter.
(You can also use a DC power supply between 3.3V to 5V to power the board, to use this method just connect the power supply between Vin Pin and Ground(GND) pin of the board.
Uploading the Code

2. In your Arduino IDE, go to File> Preferences
3.Enter into the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field as shown in the figure above. Then, click the “OK” button:
4.Open the Boards Manager. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager…
5.Search for ESP8266 and press install button for the “ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community“:
6.That’s it. It should be installed after a few seconds.
8. Open the above code and Click on Upload
:) :) That's it
Using the Android App

1. Download the android App here
[ Just made for you Kid's, Because I Love you All :):) ]
2. Install the app
3. Connect to the Wi-Fi created by the ESP8266 board
Wi-Fi Name:- Home Automation
Password:- Jarvis2021
( You can always change it by editing the code with Arduino IDE)
Now Open the App and you Kids will rule all the led lights in the universe
Opps!!!! kids let's for now control these two Led's and have lot's of FUN!!!
Wanna know more about how this project was built and how this Android app was built in a simple way???
Explore this and add your Imagination to create something more beautiful.....
Hey Kids!!!!
Incase of any doubt and trouble with making this project I am always there to help you, so do comment or you can write to me at