Apothocary Cabinet
I love to decorate my china cabinet for the holidays. So it made sense to come up with something for Halloween. I had a blast coming up with lots of ideas for an Ap[othcary cabinet. I also incorporated lots of Harry Potter props.
Bottles and Jars
This was so easy and inexpensive. I just used any glass jars I could find. Pickle jars work great. I alo went to Goodwill and thrift stores. I recycled a lot of bottles and Dollar store vases. I found tons of labels online and simply decopaged them to the bottles and Jars. I used Dollor store bugs and snakes to put inside. as well as mosses and beads.
Harry Potter Props
To make the wonds I used chop sticks, beads, sculpty clay, hot glue and paint. I found pictures of what the wonds looked like online and went from there.
The sorting hat was recycled from and old wizard costume. I wet it and pinned the wrinkles in place till it dried. Then I dry brushed black and white paint to highlite and shade.
The monster book is really a box that I glued a rabbit fur to. Eyes are beads, and again I used sculpty for the teeth and gums.
The school books are old books. I printed out the cover of Harry's book and decopaged it over the book. I sculpted the fang and painted it. Tom Riddles diary is a book I painted the cover. Then drilled the hole.
I also printed out the wanted signs and decopaged them to coardboard.
I used fishing rubber worms for gilly weed.
Hocus Pocus Books
These are my Halloween photo albums. The wrinkles are yarn. Then I decopaged wrinked tissue paper over the yarn. Next I painted it to look like leather. I used sculpty clay to make embelishments.
I dedicated one shelf to anatomy.
Decorated Bottles and Jars
Queen of Halloween
The crown I actually made from a large plastic pretzel container. I cut off the top and bottom. sketched the design I wanted with a sharpie. Cut out the design with an xacto knife. Sray painted it with metalic paint. Added gem stones.
Finishing Up
It looks great behind my table. I continue the theme onto my table with lots of creepy treats.