Anyone Care for Some Worms?
by samwillow1905 in Cooking > Snacks & Appetizers
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Anyone Care for Some Worms?
For my Instructables, I made a spooky snack for around Halloween time. I made a bowl of worms that taste like yummy jello!

The Supplies that you will need for this Instructible are, 100 straws, a gar, one pack of raspberry Jell-O, Three packages of unflavored gelatin, three cups of boiling water, 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream, green food coloring, and a measuring cup.
(Optional) Oreo's and one plastic bag.
Straws in the Jar

First you need to pull out the bendy part of the straw so that they are all "open." Then you are going to place all 100 straws with the bendy part toward the bottom of your jar.
Preparing the Jell-o

- In a large measuring cup, combine the Jell-O and the unflavored gelatin.
- Add the 3 cups boiling water and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
- Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes or until lukewarm.
After the Fridge

After the Jell-O mixture is lukewarm you are going to add about 15 drops of green food coloring and the heavy whipping cream. Then stir together, but be carful not to whip the whipping cream just stir it.
Pour the Worms

Pour the mixture through the top of the straws until it fills the container. The straws will level by its self so you don't need to try and pour it into each straw. But make sure you pour slowly or it might shoot out and make a huge mess.

When you are all done pouring put the whole jar into the fridge. Chill for at least 8 hours.
Getting Out the Worm

After the 8 hours (or more) carefully pull out one straw. run it under warm water from the sink. After about 30 seconds to a minute of doing this hold your straw over a bowl and pinch the end of the straw and slowly start siding your fingers down. The Jell-O worm should start coming out. If it does not come out run it under warm water for a little longer.

Get many worms out of the straws and place the bowl in the fridge while you proceed with the next step.
The Dirt

To make your dirt for your worms you are going to need the Oreo's. Take one cookie off and get most of the white middle out. Then place the two cookies with NO white middle stuff in a blender. Repeat this many times. You do not have to take out every white middle. You can leave a couple as they are. Once you think you have enough blend the Oreo's. Them you will have nice dirt to go with your worms. You can also place the Oreo's in a bag and crush them up.
How to Serve Your Worms

For the best way to make it look like real worms I suggest you do the following.
- Place a bunch of worms in a bowl
- Hang a couple of worms off the side of the bowl
- sprinkle your "dirt" over the worms.
I hope you liked this project. This will be my 6th Instructable that ive ever made. I also have never won so im hopping this will be the one to get me to my first win. Thank you for looking at my instrucable.