Antique Vintage Art

This is an Antique Vintage art that has an old wood texture on it. Enjoy 😄
1) Chop board or a piece of cardboard of chop board shape.
2) Fevicol MR
3) Fevicryl colors (Crimson Red, Brunt Siena, White and Black )
4) Flat Brush

First take a your chop board/ cardboard piece. And draw a cirle on it.

Now paint the whole chop board black leaving the circle.

Now paint the whole circle white (Double Coat).

Now put Light Peach color (Mix of Red, White) on the circle .

Now take Fevicol and put it on the board in pieces as it gives the look of old wood …Now add light brown color (Mix of White, Brunt Siena) to the fevicol as shown.

Now give the circle a dark boundary …And write a quote or anything you want on it.

After writing your quote or anthing you want let the chop board dry and it will be ready !!!