Anti Cable Break Protector

This is a method how you can prevent a cable break. It´s perfect for headphones or laptop/tablet charging cables.
What You Need

Here is what you need
-a pen
-jewelry gripper
-the cable you want to protect
The Twist
Get the twist out of the pen
Bend the Twist

Use the jewelry gripper to bend the twist on one end so that it´s open. (picture 1)
Now pitch the twist around the cable (picture 2-4).
When everything is around the cable, bend the beginning that it won´t slip away. (picture 5) This takes some time and adjustments.
If it won´t work at all you can use hot glue. (picture 6)
The Anti Cable Break Protector

That´s what it should look like now.
There you go - a anti cable break protector!