Angle Controllable Seesaw

This project is an angle controllable seesaw that is intended to demonstrate feedback controls. There is a seesaw structure with a DC motor with a propeller on one end of the arm. This motor spins to generate a force on the seesaw arm to keep it horizonal. The angle of the arm is detected indirectly by using an ultrasonic sensor. This sensor measures the distance from the ground to the motor. If this distance is smaller than nominal for a horizonal arm, then the motor spins faster to lift the arm up more. If the distance is larger than nominal, then the motor decreases its speed. The motor’s speed is computed by the Arduino using a PID controller. There are two status LEDs. The green LED turn on when the motor is spinning, and the red LED turn on when the motor is not spinning. There is also a switch to turn the red LED off. I found that the motor does not spin fast enough to generate large amounts of thrust, so for the motor to have the desired control authority, the seesaw should be reasonably close to balanced, which is why the 9V and AA batteries are on the other side of the arm. The 9V battery powers the motor, but the AA battery is just there for balance.
Ultrasonic Sensor
9V Battery
DC Motor
AA Battery
Masking Tape
SPDT Switch
Arduino Uno
Jumper Wire
Draw Two Lines to Divide a 5”x7” Piece of Cardboard Into Three Parts

Fold Along the Lines Into a U Shape and Stick a Pen (or Any Other Axle-like Object) Through the Cardboard About Half an Inch From the Top

Mark and Cut Off a 1.5”x7” Piece of Cardboard to Make the Arm

Glue Another Small Rectangle of Cardboard Onto the Arm to Give the Ultrasonic Sensor More Surface Area to Detect and Bore a Hole Into the Two Layered Pieces Big Enough to Press Fit the Motor Onto the Arm

Press the Motor Into This Hole

Glue the Arm Onto the Pen

Glue a Cardboard Stiffener Onto the Structure to Keep It in a Rigid Box Shape

Tape the Ultrasonic Sensor Underneath the Motor Side of the Arm

Tape on the 9V and AA Battery Onto the Other Side of the Arm
Build Circuit According to Schematic