Analog Sensor Signal Conditioning Circuit

by ForceTronics in Circuits > Sensors

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Analog Sensor Signal Conditioning Circuit

Reduce Noise in Your Sensor Measurements with an Active Low Pass Filter Part 1
LPF Circuit.PNG
Reduce Noise in Your Sensor Measurements with an Active Low Pass Filter Part 2
LPF Layout.PNG
Reduce Noise in Your Sensor Measurements with an Active Low Pass Filter Part 3
LPF Amp Circuit.jpeg

In this three part Instructable we look at how to design a signal conditioning circuit to increase the accuracy and resolution of your ADC sensor measurements. The signal conditioning circuit consists of a double pole active Sallen Key Low Pass Filter and a non-inverting op amp. The filter portion is meant to attenuate high frequency noise from your sensor signal to increase measurement accuracy. The amplifier portion scales the signal up to the full range of the ADC to ensure you are getting max resolution.

You can access the Eagle files on Github at:

You can purchase a sensor signal conditioning circuit at