Ambilight, 4-channels [Arduino Mega2560]

by h0uri in Circuits > Arduino

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Ambilight, 4-channels [Arduino Mega2560]


Ambilight is a an invention first made by philips , you can check this VIDEO for more info

check this live simulation if interested

with this instructable you can have an almost the same for your pc screen.

many methods can achieve this goal, explaned some easier and less components demanding methods here and here

previous ways allowed us to have only 1 or 2 channels

hold on .. what a channel ?

by channel i mean a section of the screen dedicated to be scanned and display it's average color on the rgb led strip attached to the pc screen .. in this tutorial , we are able to have up to 4 channels .. :)

let's head to ic's and microcontroller we need to use ..

Components Needed


1. Windows PC [tried on win8.1 64bit]

2. arduino mega , mega 2560 rev3 , with a usb cable ofcourse

3.wires, lots of em

4. +12v and a -12v, usually from the pc power supply it self since it allows getting lots of ambs no matter how much your leds are demanding

5. RGB LED STRIP, to be wrapped around your screen, it's length depends on the screen size itself

[im using common anode 12v+ rgb led strips , 60led/m , you can choose whatever rgb leds you need, but some modification will be required]

6. some solder to solder each channel of the rgb strip

7. two Darlington Array IC, Code Number ULN2003a

[used this ic because it will help us get red of 12 transistors into only a couple of ic's]

8. a mini breadboard or a soldering pcb , i would recommend using the mini breadboard

The Dirty Work, Wiring and Leds Placement


you can use arduino jumpers which i recommend.

place your board and arduino behind your screen , for much less wiring.

placing the 4 led strips requires some consideration ..

i used a 4 corners method .. which will allow me to cover the whole screen .. on each quarter of the screen

but .. you can use 4 sides .. one on top , one on each side , one at the bottom..

or you can use two on each side with two on top ,half of the top each , the bottom isn't that important .. maybe

if you like you can use 3 channels if you don't have many led strips ..

if you will use only two or one channel i would recommend this tut HERE

now for the wiring

powering your leds on the common 12v+ from you pc power Supply

place the two ic's on the mini board, make sure they are on the separated pins of the board

connect your GND to each ic on pin named E on the ULN2003a IC Datasheet

if you placed your ic Horizontally , make sure the moon of the ic is on your left hand and the rest of it to the right

pin E is the first pin from the right on the bottom of the ic ..

now .. connect the PWM pins from the Arduino Mega to the inputs of the ic's .. which are located on the same side of the grounded pin .. from pin 13 to pin 2 ..

make sure to add some silicon to your wires and soldered pins on the leds .. they might easily break ..

you can also attach the arduino to the back of the screen along with the mini board .. just make sure to add some insulator surface between the sceen and the arduino, or you will damage the screen after a while ..

thats about all for the wiring ..

Windows Software


connect your arduino usb to your pc ..

download the Arduino Software (IDE) then setup

download the Arduino Amblone Source Code

open the source code with arduino ide , select your board, com port, then upload it

if you didn't wire the led correctly , you can change the pin number on the source code then upload it again :)

thats all for the arduino

for scanning you screen, sending the average color of each strip

you have two options .. both are great , both have there pros and cons

Download Amblone Windows Software


Download Ambibox for Windows

trying both for quite some time now .. i would recommend Ambibox, specially if you will use a custom led placing ..

many other feature of ambibox for you to explore .. like the colormusic feature ..

setup you pc lient software and you are good to go .. :)

My Results :)

DIY Ambilight Amblone Arduino Mega 4-Channels

Check This Vid on my Results

Some Problems I Faced That Might Help You

1. using ambibox will allow to use playclaw for gaming and other exclusive full screen apps .. that never worked for me .. i started making apps go full screen but without being exclusive .. full borders only :)

2. sometimes .. on some arduinos .. for some unknown reason till now, you will have to lunch ambibox without being enabled .. wait for 3 led flashes then enable it .. every time you start the software .. :(

if you faced any problems please ask in the comments .. or contact the support of the amblone or ambibox developers ...

thats about all .. enjoy .. ^_^