Amazing Origami Bookmarks: Darth Vader, Alien, and Heart (with Videos)

by Folda Fett in Craft > Paper

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Amazing Origami Bookmarks: Darth Vader, Alien, and Heart (with Videos)

The Final Cover Photo - Copy.JPG

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a cool origami bookmark from nothing more than a piece of square paper! I recommend my video tutorials for easy instructions, but feel free to use the step by step photo instructions too. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask. I’ve been doing origami for almost 5 years now and find the challenge of folding an uncut square into a work of art very satisfying.

Here is a link on to where you can buy the duo-colored origami multi-pack that I used for making the Alien origami –

And here’s a link on Amazon to where you can buy some one sided origami paper for making the Heart and other designs –

Comment below to tell me which bookmark is your favorite! And please vote for me in the 2018 Paper Contest!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you :)

Origami Alien Bookmark Video Tutorial

How to Fold an Easy Origami Alien Bookmark tutorial

Kudos to Riki Saito for his great origami Alien design, which I modified into this bookmark. Here is my video tutorial on how to fold it.

Origami Alien Bookmark Photo Instructions


Here is my step by step photo instructions for the origami alien bookmark. If you don't seem to be able to fold it for some reason using this guide, try watching my above video, it should clear up any questions for beginner folders.

Start with a 15cm x 15cm or larger square of paper. Fold and unfold the paper in half horizontally. Then, fold the outer edges of the paper to the crease you just made. Next, fold both ends in half outward. Then you are going to do a mountain fold and crease the paper in half again. Unfold the paper until it is completely flat and then rotate it 90 degrees. Repeat all the steps we just did but on this side of the paper.

Narrowing the Model


Fold the top edge of the paper all the way down to the third crease from the bottom. You can see I marked it with an arrow in my photo. Then Unfold. Now do a zig-zag fold on each side of the paper. A zig-zag fold is just a mountain and a valley fold. Use the creases we already made to fold it.

Folding the Alien's Eyes


Make a valley fold on the first layer only as shown in the photos. Then flatten the paper down so it looks like the paper in the third photo. After that fold the tip of paper over to the right and unfold. Next fold the tip to the crease you just made. Then do a similar fold on the lower portion of the tip and fold that over. After that fold the point over and repeat the entire process on the other side.

Folding the Head


Now make another zig zag fold as shown in the first photo. Then flip the model over. Valley fold only the top left corner of the paper over, and then fold over both top corners so the tips are parallel with the fold you just made. Now for the hard part. Using the dotted lines in the photo and the intersecting creases we made earlier, you are going to make a squash fold as shown in the above photos. After that, make a valley fold on each side to the center to narrow the bookmark. Then flip the model over.



And now you're finished. If you folded this model, post me a picture, I would love to see how you did! And if the photo directions were a little confusing, try my video tutorial. It's super easy to follow, and you will have an alien bookmark in no time! Thanks for viewing this instructable.

Origami Heart Bookmark Video Tutorial

How to Fold an Easy Origami Heart Bookmark Tutorial

This is an original design that I created. Here is my video tutorial on how to fold it. I recommend using a 15cm x 15cm square of red paper for this origami.

Origami Heart Bookmark Photo Instructions


Start with the paper color side up. Fold and unfold the paper in half horizontally. Next, fold the ends back down so they’re flush with the crease we just made.

Now take the ends of the paper and fold them back up. Finally, mountain fold the paper back so it is even with the rest of the model. Unfold the model completely, and rotate the paper 90 degrees. Repeat the entire process on this side of the paper.

Narrowing the Model


Fold and unfold the top of the paper down so it’s flush with the third crease line from the bottom. Next, fold and unfold the top of the paper down so it lines up with the upper most crease. Now do a Zig Zag Fold as shown in the photo. It’s just a valley and mountain fold, and you have to do it on each side. Flip the model over.

Collapsing the Model


Valley fold and unfold the top 2 corners we just made with the zig zag fold. Now pull the paper down on the first horizontal crease, using the creases we just made to make a squash fold. Now the hard part. Collapse the model on the dotted lines in the photo using the intersecting creases we made awhile ago as guide points. The next photo is the result. Then Flip the model over.

Shaping the Heart


Valley fold only the top layer on the dotted line in the photo. Flip the model back over. Now fold the extra paper flush with the center line, you will have to make a squash fold on the upper portion of this fold. Valley fold both ends of the heart as shown in the photo. Next, make 4 small valley folds on the corners to round the heart. Finally, narrow the bookmark more by folding the bottom portion over to the center line. Flip the model over.



If you successfully folded my heart bookmark, be sure to post a picture. I would love to see what you can do! If the photos were not understandable, try my video, it’s great if you’re a beginner origamist or even a veteran of the art. Don’t forget to vote for me too! :o

Origami Darth Vader Bookmark Video Tutorial (Star Wars)

Easy Origami Darth Vader Bookmark Tutorial (Star Wars)

This is an original design that I created. Here is my video tutorial on how to fold it.

I recommend using a 15cm x 15cm square of black paper for this origami.

Origami Darth Vader Bookmark Photo Instructions


Start with the paper color side up. Fold and unfold the paper in half horizontally.

Next, fold the ends back down so they’re flush with the crease we just made.

Now take the ends of the paper and fold them back up. Finally, mountain fold the paper back so it is even with the rest of the model. Unfold the model completely, and rotate the paper 90 degrees. Repeat the entire process on this side of the paper.

Narrowing the Model


Make three valley folds in-between the creases we just made. Refer to the photo for exact location to fold. Next, fold and unfold the outer edges of the paper in to the first crease. Now make 2 zig zag folds on the paper as shown. Now fold and unfold the new corners we just made. Then reverse fold on those creases. Flip the model over.

Collapsing the Model


Make a squash fold on the dotted lines in the photos. Use the intersecting creases we made earlier as guidelines on where to fold. Use the next 2 photos to see how to fold it. Turn the model over.

Valley fold only the front layer of paper on the model, bringing up the head portion. Flip the paper back over. Fold both sides to the center of the model. You will have to make a squash fold on the top portion of these folds. Flip the model over.

Shaping the Helmet


Now pull the front flap of each side of the model down, while at the same time folding the left and right edges inward. See the next photo for the results. Next, mountain fold both sides to narrow the helmet. Mountain fold the top portion of the helmet too.

Mountain fold the 2 tips back to round out the helmet and fold up the front tip to make the triangular breathing plate. Then Mountain fold the bookmark on each side to narrow the model even more. Finally, make sure the bottom tips of the helmet are hiding and shape the helmet slightly to give it a more 3-D effect.



Hurray! Your done! Post me a picture if you fold it. And don’t forget to vote too. If you found the photo instructions confusing, try my video tutorial. Thanks to all for viewing this Instructable and I hope you found it fun and easy to follow. Bye.