Amazing Complex Batch Code in Notepad

by karsens in Circuits > Tools

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Amazing Complex Batch Code in Notepad


Here I will show you something I creating using old DOS/.batch code in notepad


Open notepad and copy the following code in...


@echo off
mode 1000 color 9f echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Joe, The Virtual Slave echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Made By Karsen Seel. echo. echo. echo ------------ echo INSTRUCTIONS ECHO ------------ echo. set /p n=Please type in "joe123" to Access Intro: If %n% == joe123 goto intro If %n% == 99 goto commands If %n% == zxcvbn12 goto commands If not %n% == zxcvbn12 goto again2 If not %n% == joe123 goto again :again cls color 7 echo ERROR! echo ------ echo ------ set /p n=Please try again: If %n% == joe123 goto intro If not %n% == joe123 goto exit :exit cls color 74 echo ----------- echo WRONG CODE! echo ----------- echo Please leave by pressing any key... pause >nul exit :intro cls color 9f echo Welcome to the Intro! echo --------------------- echo Press any Key to Continue.... pause >nul :intro2 cls echo There is only one thing you need to know... echo. timeout 2 >nul echo If you see a flashing blank dot like the one below... echo. timeout 4 >nul echo press any key of your choice to continue the text/program... echo ----------------------------------------------------------- timeout 4 >nul echo Here's a test for you to see if you were paying attention... timeout 5 >nul cls pause >nul echo ----------------------------------------------------------- echo Good Job! You're not as stupid as I thought echo. timeout 3 >nul echo There will be times where the code has to prossess to continue.. timeout 4 >nul echo. echo So do not be too quick on the draw on pressing any key..give it atleast 5 solid seconds before pressing anything... timeout 8 >nul cls echo Now continue like this for the rest of the Program. echo ---------- echo GOOD LUCK! echo ---------- pause >nul cls color a echo ---------------- echo CONTINUE TO JOE: echo ---------------- pause >nul tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree cls color 9f echo DO NOT PRESS ANY KEYS! timeout 4 >nul cls echo Loading Joe's Brain... timeout 3 >nul color a tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree cls color 9f echo Loading Joe's Heart... timeout 3 >nul color a tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree cls color 9f echo Loading Joe's left Nose hole... timeout 4 >nultree color a tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree cls color f4 echo ---------------------------------- echo WELCOME! to Joe, the virtual slave echo ---------------------------------- pause >nul cls echo You will need a Key to continue into Joe's Network pause >nul cls echo Don't forget it.... pause >nul cls echo zxcvbn12 timeout 7 >nul cls set /p n=Code: If %n% == zxcvbn12 goto network If not %n% == zxcvbn12 goto again2 :network cls color a echo ------- echo NETWORK echo ------- echo Welcome to my network.... echo >nul echo Here you will choose what you'd like to do with me, Joe. echo --------------------------------------------------- pause >nul :commands color a cls echo -------- echo COMMANDS echo -------- echo Open a Website (1) echo Talk with Ned (2) echo Spy Tools (3) echo Play Games (4) echo Top Secret (5) echo ------------- (6) echo ------------- (7) echo --------------------------------- echo ---------------------------------

set /p n=Which Command would you like? If %n% == 1 goto website If %n% == 2 goto ned If %n% == 3 goto spy If %n% == 4 goto games If %n% == 5 goto secret If %n% == 6 If %n% == 7 :secret cls color f4 echo Welcome to Joe's Top Secret Network echo ----------------------------------- timeout 3 >nul echo. echo You will have to Answer some important questions to continue... timeout 4 >nul echo. echo After that, you will have to create an account that only you may access after... timeout 5 >nul echo. echo DO NOT SHARE YOUR ACCOUNT INFO! echo ------------------------------- echo THIS IS TOP SECRET STUFF! echo ------------------------------- set /p cs=Continue: If %cs% == yes goto cs If %cs% == no goto nocs :nocs cls echo Okay, have fun not knowing the secret timeout 3 >nul cls echo BYE! timeout 1 >nul goto commands :cs cls echo okay... timeout 1 >nul cls echo I will be asking you some questions for security... timeout 4 >nul cls set /p name=what's your name?: timeout 1 >nul cls set /p last=What's your last name?: timeout 1 >nul cls set /p country=What country do you live in?: timeout 1 >nul cls set /p town=What town do you live in?: timeout 1 >nul cls set /p age2=How old are you?: timeout 1 >nul cls echo Loading Information into Network DataBase... echo ----------------------------------------- timeout 3 >nul color a tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree timeout 1 >nul cls color f4 echo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! timeout 2 >nul cls echo It's all a lie! timeout 1 >nul echo. echo THERE IS NO SECRET! timeout 2 >nul echo. echo I JUST STOLE YOUR INFORMATION! THAT'S ALL! timeout 4 >nul cls color a echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo NAME: %name% %last% /// LIVES IN: %town%, %country% /// AGE: %age2% years old /// echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pause >nul cls color f4 echo Now Don't make me mad... timeout 3 >nul cls echo OR ELSE! timeout 2 >nul cls timeout 1 >nul goto commands :website cls color f4 echo CHOOSE A WEBSITE echo ---------------- echo Google (a) echo Facebook (b) echo Netflix (c) echo Youtube (d) echo Wikipedia (e) echo --------------------- echo Google Search (q) echo --------------------- echo Website Test (w) echo --------------------- echo Back to Commands Page (x) echo --------------------------------------

set /p n=Which Website would you like? If %n% == a goto ggl If %n% == b goto fb If %n% == c goto nflx If %n% == d goto utb If %n% == e goto wiki If %n% == x goto commands If %n% == q goto search If %n% == w goto sites :sites color f4 cls color f4 echo Here you will type in any word and see if it's a website or not... timeout 6 >nul cls echo Loading Website code... timeout 3 >nul cls color a tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree timeout 1 >nul :end cls color f4 echo .com (com) echo .net (net) echo .org (org) echo .ca (ca) echo .us (us) echo .eu (eu) echo ---------------------------- echo Go back to Websites Page? (wx) echo. set /p end=Choose an ending: If %end% == com goto com If %end% == net goto net If %end% == org goto org If %end% == ca goto ca If %end% == us goto us If %end% == eu goto eu If %end% == wx goto website :com cls set /p site=Choose a URL: timeout 1 >nul cls color a echo Loading www.%site%.%end%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul cls set /p back=Choose another URL? If %back% == yes goto com If %back% == no goto end :net cls set /p site=Choose a URL: timeout 1 >nul cls color a echo Loading www.%site%.%end%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul cls set /p back=Choose another URL? If %back% == yes goto net If %back% == no goto end :org cls set /p site=Choose a URL: timeout 1 >nul cls color a echo Loading www.%site%.%end%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul cls set /p back=Choose another URL? If %back% == yes goto org If %back% == no goto end :ca cls set /p site=Choose a URL: timeout 1 >nul cls color a echo Loading www.%site%.%end%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul cls set /p back=Choose another URL? If %back% == yes goto ca If %back% == no goto end :us cls set /p site=Choose a URL: timeout 1 >nul cls color a echo Loading www.%site%.%end%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul cls set /p back=Choose another URL? If %back% == yes goto us If %back% == no goto end :eu cls set /p site=Choose a URL: timeout 1 >nul cls color a echo Loading www.%site%.%end%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul cls set /p back=Choose another URL? If %back% == yes goto eu If %back% == no goto end :search cls color f4 echo GOOGLE SEARCH echo ------------- echo. set /p srch=Search: If %srch%==%srch% goto search2 :search2 cls echo Searching for %srch%... timeout 2 >nul start www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul goto search3 :search3 cls echo Search again? set /p searching= If %searching% == yes goto search If %searching% == no goto website :ggl cls start www.%site%.%end%... echo LOADING www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul goto commands :fb cls start www.%site%.%end%... echo LOADING www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul goto commands :nflx cls start www.%site%.%end%... echo LOADING www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul goto commands :utb cls start www.%site%.%end%... echo LOADING www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul goto commands :wiki start www.%site%.%end%... echo LOADING www.%site%.%end%... timeout 5 >nul goto commands :again2 cls color 7 echo ERROR! echo ------ echo ------ set /p n=Please try again: If %n% == zxcvbn12 goto network If not %n% == zxcvbn12 goto exit :ned cls color f4 echo Hi! My name's Ned, what's yours? set /p name= timeout 1 >nul cls echo Welcome %name%! echo How old are you? set /p age= timeout 1 >nul cls echo Oh cool! I wish I was %age%! timeout 2 >nul echo I'm only 5 years old... timeout 3 >nul cls echo What's your favourite colour %name%? set /p color= If %color% == blue goto ned1 If %color% == red goto ned2 If %color% == yellow goto ned3 If %color% == green goto ned4 If %color% == purple goto ned5 If %color% == black goto ned6 If %color% == white goto ned7 :ned1 cls color 71 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :ned2 cls color 74 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :ned3 cls color 6 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :ned4 cls color 2 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :ned5 cls color 5 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :ned6 cls color 70 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :ned7 cls color 7 echo Oh cool! MINE TOO! timeout 3 >nul goto nedx :nedx cls color f4 echo What do you want to talk about now? set /p thing= timeout 1 >nul echo Oh! I've never heard of a %thing%? timeout 2 >nul echo. echo Does it live with you? set /p thing1x= If %thing1x% == yes goto thingyes If %thing1x% == no goto thingno :thingyes cls echo WOW I wish I had one living with me... timeout 3 >nul goto nednext :thingno cls echo Oh okay, sorry I just don't know what it is... timeout 4 >nul goto nednext :nednext cls echo I have an Idea! timeout 2 >nul echo. echo Let's play a question game! timeout 2 >nul echo. echo Do you want to play? set /p play= If %play% == yes goto play If %play% == no goto noplay :noplay cls echo Oh that's okay timeout 2 >nul goto sleep :play cls echo I'm so happy you said yes! I love playing games! timeout 4 >nul echo. echo Okay! you choose a thing for me to guess first... echo timeout 4 >nul cls color a set /p word=Choose a thing that Ned can guess: cls color f4 timeout 1 >nul echo okay... timeout 1 >nul echo. echo Is it big? set /p big= echo. echo Is it an animal? set /p animal= echo. echo Do you own one? set /p own= echo. echo Oh! I know! timeout 1 >nul echo. cls echo Is it a %word%? set /p wordguess= If %wordguess% == yes goto wgy If %wordguess% == no goto wgn :wgy cls echo Yes! I'm so good at this game! timeout 3 >nul goto sleep :wgn cls echo I think you're lying to me... timeout 3 >nul echo. echo But it's okay, I forgive you... timeout 3 >nul goto sleep :sleep cls color f4 echo Is it okay if I sleep right now %name%? timeout 2 >nul echo I'm getting kind of tired... set /p x= If %x%==yes goto nedx2 If %x%==no goto nedx3 :nedx2 cls echo Thank you! timeout 2 >nul echo Tell Joe I said Hi! timeout 3 >nul cls echo BYE BYE! timeout 2 >nul goto commands :nedx3 cls echo Well I'm sorry but I'm too tired.. timeout 3 >nul cls echo BYE! timeout 2 >nul goto commands :spy cls color f4 echo ----------------- echo CHOOSE A SPY TOOL echo ----------------- echo ----------------- echo Shutdown other people's computers DO THAT HERE: (h1) echo --------------------------------------------------- echo Is someone using my Wifi? FIND OUT HERE: (h2) echo --------------------------------------------------- echo Go back to Commands list... PRESS: (x) echo --------------------------------------------------- set /p hack= If %hack% == h1 goto h2 If %hack% == h2 goto h1 If %hack% == x goto commands :h1 cls color a echo If you see an unknown Ip address that says "established" someone is stealing your wifi... echo ------- pause >nul cls echo --------------- echo LOADING DATA... echo --------------- timeout 3 >nul tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree timeout 1 >nul cls color 2 netstat -a echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo Hit any key to go back... pause >nul goto spy :h2 cls color a echo Just follw the pre-set intstructions when the white box pops up... pause >nul cls echo LOADING SHUTDOWN CODES... timeout 2 >nul tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree cls shutdown -i timeout 1 >nul cls color 2 set /p cmd= Go back to Spy Tool list? PRESS (s) If %cmd% == s goto spy :games cls color a echo SELECT A GAME: echo -------------- echo. echo Trivia Game (a) echo ----------- (b) echo ----------- (c) echo --------------------------- echo Go back to Commands List (x) set /p game= If %game% == a goto g1 If %game% == b goto If %game% == c goto If %game% == x goto commands :g1 cls color f4 echo ------------------ echo JOE'S TRIVIA GAME! echo ------------------ echo. echo. echo start playing? (1) echo ------------------ echo Exit the Game? (2) echo ------------------ set /p start= If %start% == 1 goto sg If %start% == 2 goto games :sg cls color a echo LOADING THE QUESTIONS... timeout 3 >nul tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree timeout 1 >nul cls color 70 echo Question 1. echo ----------- echo. echo Who has won more Oscars than anybody else? echo. echo a) Walt Disney echo b) Johnny Depp echo c) Will Smith echo d) Tom Hanks echo ---------------- set /p actor= If %actor% == a goto q1 If %actor% == b goto no1 If %actor% == c goto no1 If %actor% == d goto no1 :q1 cls echo CORRECT! + 10 points timeout 3 >nul goto question :no1 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! +0 points timeout 3 >nul goto question1 :question cls echo Question 2. Your Points: 10 echo ----------- echo. echo What is the world's most widely spoken native tongue language? echo. echo a) English echo b) German echo c) Mandarin echo d) japenese echo ---------------- set /p lang= If %lang% == a goto no2 If %lang% == b goto no2 If %lang% == c goto q2 If %lang% == d goto no2 :question1 cls echo Question 2. Your Points: 0 echo ----------- echo. echo What is the world's most widely spoken native tongue language? echo. echo a) English echo b) German echo c) Mandarin echo d) japenese echo ---------------- set /p lang= If %lang% == a goto no3 If %lang% == b goto no3 If %lang% == c goto q3 If %lang% == d goto no3 :q2 cls echo CORRECT! + 10 points timeout 3 >nul goto question2 :q3 cls echo CORRECT! + 10 points timeout 3 >nul goto question20 :no2 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! +0 points timeout 3 >nul goto question200 :no3 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! +0 points timeout 3 >nul goto question2000 :q3 cls echo CORRECT! + 10 points timeout 3 >nul goto question20 :question2 cls echo Question 3. Your Points: 20 echo ----------- echo. echo Which American city is considered the home of Jazz? echo. echo a) New Orleans echo b) New York echo c) Boston echo d) Dixie echo ----------------- set /p jazz= If %jazz% == a goto q4 If %jazz% == b goto no3 If %jazz% == c goto no3 If %jazz% == d goto no3 :question20 cls echo Question 3. Your Points: 10 echo ----------- echo. echo Which American city is considered the home of Jazz? echo. echo a) New Orleans echo b) New York echo c) Boston echo d) Dixie echo ----------------- set /p jazz= If %jazz% == a goto q5 If %jazz% == b goto no4 If %jazz% == c goto no4 If %jazz% == d goto no4 :question200 cls echo Question 3. Your Points: 10 echo ----------- echo. echo Which American city is considered the home of Jazz? echo. echo a) New Orleans echo b) New York echo c) Boston echo d) Dixie echo ----------------- set /p jazz= If %jazz% == a goto q6 If %jazz% == b goto no5 If %jazz% == c goto no5 If %jazz% == d goto no5 :question2000 cls echo Question 3. Your Points: 0 echo ----------- echo. echo Which American city is considered the home of Jazz? echo. echo a) New Orleans echo b) New York echo c) Boston echo d) Dixie echo ----------------- set /p jazz= If %jazz% == a goto q7 If %jazz% == b goto no5 If %jazz% == c goto no5 If %jazz% == d goto no5 :q4 cls echo CORRECT! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo YOUR total points were: 30 pause >nul goto games :q5 cls echo CORRECT! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo YOUR total points were: 20 pause >nul goto games :q6 cls echo CORRECT! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo YOUR total points were: 20 pause >nul goto games :q7 cls echo CORRECT! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo YOUR total points were: 10 pause >nul goto games :no3 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo Your total points were: 20 pause >nul goto games :no4 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo Your total points were: 10 pause >nul goto gameS :no5 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo Your total points were: 10 pause >nul goto games :no6 cls echo WRONG ANSWER! echo. timeout 1 >nul echo Your total points were: 0 pause >nul goto games



Save the file as: Joe.bat



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