All About Building a Website Blueprint

by adriand123 in Circuits > Websites

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All About Building a Website Blueprint

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This free website blueprint is a document you use to plan out the construction of a successful keyword focused content website. This blueprint is created with easy to use components within Microsoft Excel although many different software packages could be used to accomplish the same thing. The website blueprint serves as a visual way to keep track of pages you create, the keywords you use and how the pages within the website link to each other. The blueprint is also a great planning aid because it allows you to record keyword demand and profitability and keep running notes on the organization of your website as it grows. This free website blueprint is basically a "Business Plan", for your website.

The Spreadsheet examples shown in this instructable relate to building a website using "Site Build It" from SiteSell Inc. But the basic principles shown can be used with other types of e-commerce web hosting and website creation programs.

Draw Your Site Blueprint With Microsoft Excel

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This instructable uses Microsoft Excel but many different software packages can be used

Open a new spreadsheet and right click on any toolbar

Scroll down the list of toolbars and click on the "Drawing" toolbar

The Drawing toolbar pops into the bottom of your screen.

Select the rectangle tool and draw rectangles to represent each page in your website. Place the rectangle for your home page at the very top of the spreadsheet.

Right click in the rectangle and select "Add Text". For your home page, select the keyword that defines your websites theme. Then add other important information such as keyword monthly demand, profitability index and notes such as what this page links to.

Show the Links From One Page to Another

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Click on the down arrow in "Auto Shapes" to get the connections tool. Click on the connections tool to select arrows that are used to connect the rectangles

In this case you connect an arrow from the rectangle representing your home page, to other rectangles representing all the pages in your navigation bar.

The arrows or connectors represent how the pages in your website are linked together. The home page is linked to all the pages shown in your websites navigation bar

You now have all you need to lay out your entire websites structure on paper.

Show the Home Page and the Pages It Links To.

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You can now show all the pages your home pages is linked to.

Enter important data for each page such asmonthly keyword demand and keyword profitability.

Your Home Page should be focused around the keyword with the highest demand and profitability.

The pages that your home page links to or the pages in your navigation bar, should focus on your second best keyword demand and profitability keywords.

Tou only need to create one rectangle with this useful information and then copy an paste it to make rectangles for all the other pages in your website. The text information can be edited as required.

Enter the Remaining Pages in Your Website

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Each of the pages in your navigation bar will have pages that they also link to.

You can show this by edit copy and pasting rectangles beneath each page that is listed in the navigation bar.

Again edit the text information for each page

The keyword demand for these pages would normally be much lower than the pages in your navigation bar. But these pages are related and so the links to them are shown by using the connection tool previously described.

Finish the Website Blueprint by Using It to Analyse Your Website

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Once your website is up and running, you can use the site blueprint to keep track of how it is doing

If you discover that pages in your website are well ranked by Google or any other Search engines, indicate that by coloring the rectangle representing that page green. This gives a quick visual indication that this page is doing well and needs little attention.

On the other hand if one of your webpages has high demand and profitability figures and your traffic statistics show it has not been found by the search engines, color the text in the rectangle that represents it red.

This can be a signal for you to work on that page.

This website spreadsheet tool should be a handy tool for anyone building a website. Once you've built a lot of pages, it can get hard to keep track of what page links to what and also what pages you should be paying attention to.

This tool should give you all you need to get your website in order. If you need more information, here is my contact form.