Alga Step

by camitrani in Craft > Art

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Alga Step


The goal is to create a zero-impact alternative to the classic beach slippers, which today are made almost exclusively with rubber or various plastics. Increasing the consumption of alginate would boost the well-being of the underwater environment. Alginate is derived from algae, which is essential for the seabed, so if the consumption of alginate were increased, algae cultivation would consequently increase.



15 g sodium alginate

500 ml water

12.5 ml seed oil

10 g carrageenan

25 g cornstarch

7 ml glycerin

10 g activated charcoal or other natural dye

calcium chloride solution (10 g of chloride per 100 ml of water)

water to taste


3 basins

wooden spatulas



Mini Hair Blender

Precision Balance

Spray bottle

Cast of a foot

bio latex insole

Needle and thread


First you need to weigh the alginate, water, seed oil, carrageenan, corn starch and glycerin. We put all the ingredients in a bowl and start blending with the mini blender to avoid the formation of lumps, finally add the shredded activated charcoal to obtain a non-homogeneous texture. Another way to color the material is to color the water as the first step, bringing it to the boil with a coloring food inside.


The second step consists in making the solution of calcium chloride and water, we take 1 liter of water and add 100 g of calcium chloride. Once all the balls have dissolved the solution is ready.


Now all that remains is to cast it on the cast. IMPORTANT: the alginate undergoes a shrinkage of at least 7 centimetres, so the cast must be larger than 7 cm to obtain slippers of the correct size.

Once the cast is finished we can immerse it in the calcium chloride solution to start the spherification, leave it in the solution for at least 15 minutes. Then move the mold into a basin with only water for another 30 minutes.


Lastly, add an organic latex insole with the help of a needle and thread to increase grip on the ground.

These slippers are designed to live in water, in contact with air and sun they dehydrate and degrade.