Alcohol Bottle Rocket

by justin395 in Outside > Rockets

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Alcohol Bottle Rocket

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You will need 1. 12oz soda bottle 2.knife or scissors 3.rubbing alchohol ( preferably 90%) 4. A lighter 5. Common sense

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Get a regular 12oz bottle of soda, poke a medium sized hole in the lid.

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Get some rubbing alcohol. 90% works the best

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Pour only a tiny bit into the bottle ( too much will weigh the bottle down)

Put the cap on, and gently stir around for. 4-5 minutes

Grab a lighter, head outside, put the rocket in a slanted position, and put the lighter near the hole you made in the cap

If you did everything right, the bottle will launch, but watch out because rubbing alcohol will come flying out of the hole, and sometimes it catches fire.

If you get burned or hurt someone, it is not my fault. Don't be a dumbass