Airsoft Survival Guide

by six shot in Outside > Launchers

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Airsoft Survival Guide

this is a basic guide of how not to die when on the airsoft feild using the principles TTTTT, terrain, type, teammates, tactics, and tools


what kind of battle are you planning to be in? well, there are these major types of terrains/areas:

in the woodland, there many trees, fallen branches, and brush. this is one of the easiest  and hardest places to play in. reason it would be easy: there are a lot of trees for cover. reason it would be hard: there are a lot of trees for cover. trees make the woodland one of the most challenging areas to play, because it is almost impossible to land a hit on your target, and sniping is almost impossible, except for the specially gifted.

desert is by far the hardest place to play, because it's hot, its huge, and there's no cover. desert would only be good for close quarter battles, or extreme long distance sniping. the reason being is that in cqb, you're already exposed most of the time, and sniping from where the opponent cant see you would be very challenging

field is a cross between desert and woodland, being that there are trees for cover, and alot of open space. on of the easier areas it is ideal for any game

snow is impossible. it is a mixture of woodland and hell. the reason i say this is because snow will make you an easy target, unless you're wearing all white, and the snow will mess up your gun, and it risks the possibility of you slipping. this is only good if you are an enemy sniper, that would be the only way to land a hit.

i don't know of any airsofting fields on, or even near, the beach, but none the less, it is an ideal place for airsofting. the reason for me saaying this is that beaches have alot of open space, and , at least where i live, a lot of cover. the only down side, is the sand. and the water. it will mess up your gun.

last, but not least, is city. city is airsofting in any place that has buildings or vehicles for cover. it is by far the most fun to play in an airsofting arena and going shooting in the city. if you can find an airsofting city, drop everything and go there.


by type, i mean type of battle/game. Is it free for all, or capture the flag? CQB or feild battle, all of these are important to assess your situation. major types of games include: 
-open days

the first main category is military simulation. this is used by soldiers to simulate actual combat. this is one the more competitive games

L.A.R.P. stands for live action role playing. this is when a group of people get together and play as fictional characters, and reenact famous battles from said fiction.

open days are also known as skirmishes, and are the most common, having very general rules, and played in large open areas

venues are large international matches, usually a worldwide competition. these can be expensive, and are for the best of the best


teammates are well, the guys on your side. in a skirmish, these might or might not be friends. that can be a double edged sword, having your friends on your team might reassure you that they have your back, but depending on the person, you might know that they don't, or wprse, you know that they're noobs, and you have to cover them constantls. however, at any rate, it's better to have as many teammates as possible


its how you play the game. how you fight. how you survive. tactics are your surefire way to victory, or your demise. much like in football, you need to make your plays before you go out on the field, so get together with your  teammates and make your plays. what you do is your dedcision, therefore, i have no further advice.


you can guess that by tools, i don't mean wrenches and hammers. i mean boom.

now, there are countless designs and variants of airsoft guns, but they fall into the catagories of: 
-airsoft electric pistols
-airsoft electric rifles
-sniper rifles
-grenade launchers
-gas airsoft pistols
-gas blowback rifles
-airsoft shotguns
-air spring pistols
-air spring rifles
-grenades and mines
and oh yeah, HEAVY WEAPONS!!!

now these can range in price from 10$ to 10,000$(no joke!)
now, i'm not going to go into much detail, but choose what suits your situation best, and most of all, DONT BUY CHEAP STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!