CNC Machined Airplane Propeller

by BonJiba in Workshop > CNC

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CNC Machined Airplane Propeller


To further challenge myself in design and setting up tool paths in Fusion 360 plus two sided milling. I designed a propeller in Fusion 360, set up the tool paths, created a fixture and milled both sides on my own design and hand built CNC shown here. The prop is 2 feet long and 3/4" thick. I used plywood to test my tool path versus some more expensive wood and the different layers gave it an interesting look.


Fusion 360, 3.5" x 26"-3/4" thick plywood for the propeller, 3.5" x 26"-3/4" thick MDF for the fixture and a CNC Milling machine and bits.

The Design

prop drawing.JPG
Airfoil to DAT spline.JPG
Completed Model.JPG

I'm by no means an aerospace engineer, LOL. So luckily Fusion 360 has Add In's. I used the "Airfoil DAT to Spline" Add In. The DAT file I used was of a NACA4412 propeller off the website. This gave me a realistic airfoil design to the prop, although I took some artistic liberties near the hub.

First, I found a front view of a prop on line, inserted it as a canvas then used the fit point spline sketch tool to draw am outline of the prop. Drew the hub, center hole and 8 holes.

Since the prop is 24" long or 12" from center to end, I set up 10 offset planes at every 1.2", created a sketch of the airfoil, with rotation for pitch available in the Add In tool on each offset plane. Then I used the loft function to create the body from each sketch of each offset plane and with a little trimming at the end, I had a half a prop. Then used the circular pattern to create the other half. Added some fillets, extruded the holes in the hub using the first sketch. It looks like a propeller now!

I have also included the Fusion 360 file of my model and CAM to see how I actually did it.

Thinking Ahead for Milling

Backside design.JPG

Since I was going to mill this on my CNC and it needs to be milled from both sides, the design needed some modifications.

First off I needed a fixture for proper indexing when I flipped the wood over. While Fusion 360 does allow you to draw or make fixture and show the the two bodies stacked together. I opted for the easy way out as I only planed to used 4 of the 8 holes in the hub with dowels and that's in the first sketch so I just used that. So if you turn on both bodies at the same time they overlap each other. Thus when I created the CAM or tool paths for the fixture and prop, I just turned on the appropriate body for each one.

I also added a stand off to the body of the propeller on the back side, one towards each end. This way when I flip the wood over and set it on the fixture the standoffs will give the propeller support from underneath while milling the front more on that later.

Setting Up the Tool Paths

Fixture CAM.JPG
Backside CAM.JPG
Front side CAM.JPG

Next I spent a lot of time playing with different tool paths. In trying to keep it simple I used only 2 bits, 1/8" flat end mill and 1/4" flat end mill.

Since I would be milling from both sides, I set up the tool paths to only go slightly more than halfway through the stock from each side. I used the 1/8" bit for the eight 1/4" holes in the hub and the four in the fixture. Everything else was with the 1/4" bit.

In the setup make sure you set the Work Coordinate System (WCS) correctly for each side. The WCS must be flipped in the Z direction for the other side when you flip the wood stock. So for each side I used the bore function for the eight 1/4" holes, pocket for the larger center hole, 3D adaptive clearing to get the rough shape and a 3D parallel pass for a finishing pass.

For the fixture I just used the bore function to create 4 of the hub's 8 holes in the MDF stock.



I generated G-Code using the post process function within Fusion 360. I split up and or grouped the post processes for the 2 different bits. So I don't have to change bits as often.

With the MDF clamped down in the CNC with the 1/8" bit in the spindle, I centered and zeroed out my CNC and bit in the center of the wood according to the WCS in the setup for the tool paths. I bore out the four 1/4" holes in the MDF for the fixture.

I removed the MDF and placed it aside and clamped in the plywood, with the same 1/8" bit I bored out the 8 holes in the hub. Then I changed out the bit to the 1/4" bit and continued to mill the entire back side of the prop.

While the backside was milling I pressed 4 wood dowels into the holes of the MDF fixture. The dowels were about 3/4" long.

Now I removed the plywood stock and clamped in the fixture I created. I put super glue on those stand offs I created on the backside of the model and pressed the backside of the propeller down on the dowels of fixture.

I then continued with the 1/4" bit installed and milled out the front side of the prop. Switched over to the 1/8" bit and bore the 8 holes in the hub.

I used flush cut saw and cut the stand offs off the propeller and removed the prop off the the fixture's dowels.



I did some very light sanding and used some polyurethane to finish it off. If you look closely you can see the airfoil design and pitch to the propeller. Of course I wouldn't use it on an RC plane, I designed and built it as a decoration.

Challenge accepted, LOL. I learned a lot through this process and I hope you all find it helpful. I'm sure there are a number of ways to model and CAM this in Fusion 360 and I look forward to any suggestions.

Thanks for looking and reading my Instructables. I've also entered it in the CNC contest.