Air Frier Rib Eye Steak
cooking a steak with a air frier.
I did not have a bag big enough so i used a pan ,
Turn on air fryer to 400* for 4 minutes to warm it up .
let steak rest for 30 minutes before cooking .
a few dashes of Salt ,
a 1/4 teaspoon minced garlic
light coat of pepper
, a few dashes of soy sauce,
2 pats of butter
7 minutes at 400*
I dropped a pat of butter on while it cooked
Let Rest .
7 minutes at 400*
then flip
Add pat of butter
7 more minutes at 400*
when it is done let the steak rest for about 10 minutes. I put the last "Up"side down so the juices will flow back .
*note this cooked the steak a hair more then i care for . I like medium rare might try 6 minutes on each side next time