Air Flames One (UIC)

by rmaldo6 in Workshop > Electric Vehicles

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Air Flames One (UIC)


This project serves as a test for all the skills that I have developed over this semesters art 150 class. I have chosen to scrap my original interactive project (which was a motorcycle) and incorporate most, if not all elements of the bike into my new project. I also included new features such as the usage of servos, motors, and leds. If you happen to have stumbled upon my instructable and have no relation to my UIC art 150 class then ill do my absolute best to try to recreate the process with instructions that can either range from simple or to Ikea furniture assembly written in Cantonese. A warning to those who want to try and recreate it, this project did take make quite a while (around 7hours).

With that in mind good luck!

... ps if you have happened to have read past the halfway mark of the supplies you probably either have

A) an attention span of more than 10 seconds

B) a small team of world class engineers

C) both


  • 1 medium size amazon box
  • 2 small dc motors (preferably under 5 volts)
  • 1 medium dc motor (5 volts)
  • 1 servo (look at pictures
  • A shiz load of hot glue
  • ... sooo a hot glue gun as well or a lighter if you like suffering
  • about 3 feet of both red and black wire
  • power supply
  • LEDs
  • rope
  • 2 robotic wheels that accept dc current
  • power cable
  • cricket and circuit playground
  • USB cable for implementing code
  • spray paint or paint (optional)
  • sparky the dragon..... (mandatory)
  • 3 12 ounce coconut redbulls
  • soldering kit with solder
  • 3 pencils
  • a small team of world class engineers
  • 2 plastic cards
  • electric tape
  • jumper wires
  • wire stripper
  • an attention span of more than 10 seconds

Planing and Resource Preperation


Congrats you made it past the list sooo lets get started!

This process will require you to eyeball the photos but to sum it up:

  1. Take your amazon box (has to be amazon) and cut it up into perfect squares and rectangles
  2. If you have paper or a white board plan out the configuration of your components on the plane itself (as shown above)
  3. Take a long rectangle from the box and cut it in half hot dog style in order to obtain your main wings.
  4. Lay all carboard flat to serve as the shape of the planes floor and add the components on tops (shown above)
  5. The components that used where: The cricket, playground, motors, robotic wheels, servo, and wires.

Adjustable Wing and Servos


Now for the wings and the servo that makes the wing move up and down for drag and lift (warning if you try and throws this to see the drag and lift you will be severely disappointed)

Steps: Wing

  • Create the wing by reinforcing it with a few un sharpened pencils, electric tape, and hot glue (as shown above)

Steps: Servo

  1. 現時,你會想捉住你嘅家具建岩石,並開始猛擊它最近嘅釘子嘅頂部,你嘅宜家碌架床咗嚟。
  2. Now we will want to create a structure around the servo that will give it enough stability to attach and lift the wings of the plane.
  3. Look at the cut out pieces shown above and then look how they fit together.
  4. After you fit the pieces together you will hot glue every crack and crevice to make it indestructible
  5. Next take the two plastic cards and glue them to the top and bottom of the structure in order to reinforce it even more.
  6. Finally attach the structure to the servo itself by gluing it to the edge of the servo (make sure your servo are as enough free space to function (if you don't understand what I'm saying you soon wil).
  7. Try to recreate something like my final product.

Construction of the Plane Body and Assembly of Planes Components


Steps: Construction of planes body

  1. Just do it .... ironically this was the hardest part for me. If I had to give any advice, make three separate parts the body (where the components are house), the head where the front motor is placed, and the roof (tails are attached).
  2. The roof should be attached on one side so you can open it up like a treasure chest.

Steps: For electronics

  1. Place them as shown above. LOOK at the spacing of these components.
  2. Attach the two small motors to both sides of the wings and now here comes the confusing part.
  3. Look at the last image and cut your wing directly in half so each wing has one pencil attached, what your going to do is attach a third pencil in between the two pencils so you will have wing, gap, wing. This is so you can easily puncture the middle pencils through the body of the plane. If your confused just look at the pictures and cry.

Final Assembly of the Plane


Steps: Assembly

  1. You will want to attach the robotic wheels to the bottom of your plane first.
  2. This can be done by poking holes in the bottom of the main body and sticking them in, make sure they fit snuggly in the hole so they don't move around.
  3. Besides that start wiring everything that moves down. This is where the materials such as wires, solder, wire stripers come into play.
  4. Look at the 2nd picture and zoom in if you need to, If it looks complicated its because I ran out of regular wire so I had to strip my house's... don't run out of wire.
  5. If you need to lengthen the wire you can cut them, strip them, and attach them to each other
  6. Create the propeller and skewer them onto the motors.
  7. Good now your plane should look exactly like the one in the last two pictures. If not, it was your fault and not my lack of capability when it comes to taking detailed photos throughout my work process.

Paint and Add Sparky

Screenshot (153).png

  1. "Paint it, don't inhale it" If you plan on going to graduate school make sure to follow this step (so in a well ventilated area).
  2. Place sparky in cockpit
  3. You don't have a sparky dragon? Smash your work.
  4. attach power supply and USB to cricket and start coding. I took a picture of my code from the website adafruit circuit playground express.
  5. You will need to download a few cricket extensions when using this site.
  6. You now should now have a working dragon piloted aircraft.