Affordable Tiny Homes

We made a model tiny house that can be easily built and with other houses like it, kind of like an affordable home community. The homes are powered off of solar energy and have properties that help reduce energy consumption. These houses include a laundry/utility room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a loft bedroom.
Measuring tape
Hand saw
Paint Brush
red paint
white paint
clear plastic sheeting
green felt
fake plants
wood glue
Brainstorm a Problem in Our Commmunity

A big problem in our city is homelessness and lack of access to basic resources, like a grocery store that's nearby and does not require a car, etc.. According to the statistics from our cities official website for tracking homelessness, the numbers of people without housing is on the rise and this needs to be solved, especially when considering the rising costs of living. The solution we have to this problem is clusters/communities of tiny affordable houses.

We kept track of every step of our 3D build, from the base of the house, to the landscaping.
In our early stages of looking for a plot of land and planning out the location of our community, we decided that it was best to advocate for the city and taxpayer money to pay for the land or contribute city owned property, as getting people in homes would decrease loitering and give people a fresh start, therefore improving the statistics of the city and improving the economy, while also helping people who need it. Because of this, our costs drastically decrease and we only have to focus on the price to build one of these homes. After our calculations and taking in account the square footage, the total costs to build one home comes out to just around $32,150. This may seem like a high number for a project helping the homeless, but when compared to other forms of housing it is a very cheap alternative.