Adobe Premiere Pro Starting Steps

by Adam Morgan in Circuits > Software

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Adobe Premiere Pro Starting Steps


In this Instructable, we will look at all of the steps to create a project in Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere

Video Footage

Creating Your Project


To start creating your project you will need to open Adobe Premiere and click the blue button called "NEW PROJECT" seen in the first image.

Once you have clicked "NEW PROJECT" you will be met with the menu seen in the second image, you do not need to play with any of these settings to start you project and you can change them later if you want to, the only thing you may want to do is to chose the name of you project at the top of the panel where it currently says "UNTITLED".

Importing Your Footage


Once you have opened your project you will see the layout you can see in the first image.

Next, you want to click assembly on the menu at the top to start importing the footage.

Once in the assembly section of Premiere pro you can start to look for your footage by clicking on the media browser and searching for the place your footage is stored on your device.

(remember if you move the footage before exporting your finished piece you won't be able to edit any more as the computer will be trying to find footage in a place it doesn't exist)

Once you have found the footage you will want to select all of the video and sound clips you want to use and right-click on them, once you have clicked on it you want to click import, to add it to your media bin, seen in the last image.

Adding Your Media to the Timeline


This is a short and simple step to do.

To add your footage to the timeline all you need to do is click and drag your chosen piece of footage from the media bin in the bottom left of your screen to the currently empty timeline to the right of the media bin. To add more clips. if you don't like the order of the clips all you need to change them is drag them into the order you want them (beware that if you drag one clip onto the other you with shorten it so that the clip fits onto the timeline)



we will skip the effects and colour grading pages on adobe as they are not simple to start on so we will skip to the audio panel. The audio panel is where you can monitor the audio levels of the clips, music, voice-overs, and any other audio clip you may have. You can see what the audio panel looks like in the first image.

In the second image, you can see the audio panel when a clip is playing. if you watch the audio levels whilst it is playing you can change the volume of the clip by using the sliders at the top of the screen. The levels on the side have some decimal levels next to them you do not want the audio level to mass much above -6 as this is the standard audio level.

Exporting Your Peice

Screenshot 2021-11-25 223632.jpg
Screenshot 2021-11-26 081254.jpg

once you have finished you can click "file" at the top and look for export (underlined in red in the first image)

this will open a sub-menu and you will want to click "media" which is at the top. this will then open a render choice menu where you can select how you want to export the video. (second image)

(beware you will need Adobe Media Encoder installed to finish this)

once you click queue at the bottom of the page the media encoder will automatically open, once the encoder is open you can click the green go button in the top right and it will start rendering and once it is done it will save the video to the chosen folder. (third image)

That is how to create a video using Adobe Premiere Pro hopefully now you can go and create your own.