Add and Subtract Fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators can take a bit of time you have to find a common denominator or do you?
Adding Fractions With Different Denominators
So let's say your adding 1/2 + 1/3
First let's wright it like this so it's easier to see
1 1
--- + ---
2 3
So multiply the denominators
you get 6
Now from LEFT TO RIGHT multiply diagonally 1×3 and 1×2
Fashion it like this now
Your answer is 5/6
First let's wright it like this so it's easier to see
1 1
--- + ---
2 3
So multiply the denominators
you get 6
Now from LEFT TO RIGHT multiply diagonally 1×3 and 1×2
Fashion it like this now
Your answer is 5/6
About Adding
Adding left to rightt doesn't matter until you are subtracting. It is also important to NOTE you may have to simplify your answer.
So let's say your subtracting 3/4 ~ 1/3
First let's wright it like this so it's easier to see
3 1
--- ~ ---
4 3
I'm using ~ as a subtraction symbol
So multiply the denominators
you get 12
Now from LEFT TO RIGHT multiply diagonally 3×3 and 1×4
Fashion it like this now
Your answer is 5/12
First let's wright it like this so it's easier to see
3 1
--- ~ ---
4 3
I'm using ~ as a subtraction symbol
So multiply the denominators
you get 12
Now from LEFT TO RIGHT multiply diagonally 3×3 and 1×4
Fashion it like this now
Your answer is 5/12
The End
I hope this trick helps to see more go to