Acousmatic Sound Sculpture*
This project is presentation of how is distribute the sound picture created as a patchwork from individual fragments as a whole space ..
Four different audio channels on each of which are recorded by their part of the overall composition / сomposer ~ Yana Shliabanska /
Each of the sound fragments (prerecorded inside the microchip) is repeats endlessly and since the length of fragments is different ~ it will always move around the circle (Digits of Pi), but at different speeds and never catch up with each other, creating an endless sound picture ..
*Acousmatic music ( Wikipedia )
Acousmatic music (from Greek ἄκουσμα akousma, "a thing heard") is a form of electroacoustic music that is specifically composed for presentation using speakers, as opposed to a live performance. It stems from a compositional tradition that dates back to the introduction of musique concrète (a form of musique expérimentale) in the late 1940s. Unlike musical works that are realised using sheet music exclusively, compositions that are purely acousmatic (in listening terms) often exist solely as fixed media audio recordings.

