ATtiny85 Bluetooth Automation With Button Feedback
by Pranav_Rokde in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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ATtiny85 Bluetooth Automation With Button Feedback

A Simple ATtiny85 Controller-based Bluetooth controlled Relay for Home Automation with Manual Button having Real-Time Feedback status of Button. Can control it by Mobile Application as well as Manual Button too.
Electronic Components
- ATtiny85
- 7805
- Bluetooth Module HC-05
- 1N4007 (2)
- 0.1 u (2)
- 10 uF
- 100 uF
- 1K (3)
- 2K
- 4.7k
- 10k
- 1M
- BC547
8 Pin IC Base
Relay 12 SPDT
Push Button
AC Connector
DC in Connector
Circuit Diagram

This is a Simple ATtiny 85 Bluetooth controlled Relay circuit,
Relay derived via a transistor, LED connected parallelly to Relay, shows Status of Relay ON/OFF.
A Buzzer can use as a Call Bell via APP or You can annoy someone 😉
According to Circuit Diagram, make Schematic and Layout for PCB
Make Hardware

Once your PCB has done, Solder All Components to make your Hardware.
Flash Firmware in ATtiny85, with help of Arduino as ISP
Mobile Application
For Making Mobile Application, I am using Thunkable Platform
I named this app "Tinymation"
you can modify it by your own.
For AutoConnection add your Bluetooth Module HC-05 address on TOP Block i.e. in "Blueid " Block
otherwise, it's open list picker after some duration if auto-connect was not done.
Pick a different HC-05 module to get connected.
Connection With Load

When all the above steps are done...!
It's time to connect the circuit with load ( Make sure Mains Supply should OFF while Connecting Load )

Once all connection was done..!
It's Time for Testing the Hardware.
- Power Up Circuit Board by 12v DC Power Supply or 12V Dc Power Adaptor.
- After Powering Up, the LED of the Bluetooth Module starts blinking rapidly.
- Paired Up Bluetooth Module with a Smart Android Phone.
- After Pairing up, Open Tinymation App
- It Will Show the Device is Connected, If it will Bluetooth Module HC-05 address is stored TOP Block i.e. in the " Blueid " Block.
- Otherwise, the app gives a list of modules from there we can pick/select Bluetooth Module.
- Once the connection was established with the app.
The Device is Ready to Rock..!!
Now, Play with Mobile Application as well as the manual button.
Thank you so much for coming here and reading this article.
Hope this article has helped you..!
For any further queries, you can drop your valuable opinion and comments in the comment section.
Thank you so much!
" Happy Tinymation! "