Construction of an arcade-style cabinet in scale
wood planks
led lights
raspberry pi 4
electrician’s wires
tin and welder
HDMI cable
joysticks and buttons
Build the Structure
The structure is divided in 3 parts: the top part contains the leds and it's mostly just for aesthetic, the middle part contains the monitor and the bottom part contains the buttons and the electronics. These parts are connected with hinges.
Start by measuring the wood using the dimensions in the linked picture.
Assemble the pieces using screws.
Attach to each part the hinges.
The middle part has a frame which is removable. It's attached to the main corp with strips of feltro.
The bottom part has holes for the buttons and a square hole for the joystick. The lid is attached with hinges in just one side. This way it's possible to lift it to wire the cables.
At this point the structure it's done. Now it's possible to paint it and adding the design.
The coding can be found in the following link
After opening it you can find the information about coding under "src" fold
Put raspberry pi inside the bottom part and connect it to the monitor, the buttons, the leds . Then supply it with power.