APM Quadcopter Setup

Note: Dear Guys, i'm not using your youtube videos(that were linked in the next steps) for commercial purposes, please understand that... i'm just sharing your videos, your work will be pretty useful for guys like us.
Generally, most of us were very much fascinated towards the flying system, as always we do. Now i will tell you about one of the best flight controllers in current trends, i.e..Ardupilot Flight controller (APM Flight controller). Though there are Many versions, the copter setup will be the same for all versions.
I'm just helping you to gathering the data, please mind that i'm not the inventor.
Why APM...?
The downloadable mission planner software is what you use to configure and control your Ardupilot board, features include:
- Point-and-click waypoint entry, using Google Maps.
- Select mission commands from drop-down menus
- Download mission log files and analyze them
- Configure APM settings for your airframe
- Interface with a PC flight
- simulator to create a full hardware-in-the-loop UAV simulator.
See the output from APM’s serial terminal
The ArduPilot Mega board can control Planes, Copters and Rovers. All you need to do is load the appropriate software onto the board with a few clicks
- Arduino Compatible!
- Includes 3-axis gyro, accelerometer, along with a high-performance barometer
- Onboard 4 MegaByte Dataflash chip for automatic datalogging
- Optional off-board GPS, uBlox LEA-6H module with Compass.
- One of the first open source autopilot systems to use Invensense's 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000.
- Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03, from Measurement Specialties
- .Atmel's ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA32U-2 chips for processing and usb functions respectively.
For more please see this link below
What You Need.......?

1.Hardware Needed
- ArduPilot Mega---1
- Arducopter Frame (or multi-rotor frame)---1
- Motors/ESC/Propellers----(choose accordingly if quad- 4sets if hex-6sets if oct-8sets)
- Radio Transmitter/Reciever---1 (Flysky/Avionic)
- Battery and Charger---1
buy here for cheap:
Optional Parts
- GPS+antenna---1.
- Wireless Telemetry Kit---1 (for copter to communicate with PC / Mobile / Ground Control Station).
- Camera Gimbal---1(For high quality photos).
- Wireless Audio/Video TX/RX set ---1 (For live Video).
- Minim On Screen Display.
- FPV Goggles and Led strip.
For More information Please Look at the picture
2.Software Needed
This is bit tricky to choose, you can control the copter either from Mission Planner or from 3DR Tower Android App.... there might be different apps or softwares available but i'm not familiar with them.
--->To configure the APM you need to have the Mission planner software.
---->Once you got everything to work then download the 3DR Tower App and now able to enjoy the functions like Follow me mode and waypoint navigation features.
To download the mission planner click below
To download 3DR TOWER app click below
Connecting / Assembling Everything

Wiring Setup: (credits to this man)
if you want from the basics like esc and motor connection please go through this...(just watch the esc+motor+prop connection, we just went to replace the kk 2.1 board with APM)
(credits to this man)
Now configuration of the Flight controller (credits to this man)
Drone Follow Me Tutorial using APM and Mission Planner
(credits to this man)
Control Your Copter With Android Tab/ Mobile

To connect the Telemetry use OTG cable like we shown in the picture
(credits to this man)
Follow Me Mode: (credits to this man)

Hope you understand the video, and will have a happy flight. If you want to start from the basic copter selection design please go through this link https://www.instructables.com/id/Quadcopter-Select...