by hairydevil in Outside > Launchers
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this is a compact sturdy aisoft gernade. it is simple and cheap. it is illegal in some states. so don't get caught. it isn't very dangerous, but it should require eye protection. i wouldn't pick it up. that would really hurt.

match box
corn kernals
bottle cap
chinese visco fuse
hot glue gun
electical tape
tin foil
a 2 inch wide peice of pipe
a container of some sort
match box
corn kernals
bottle cap
chinese visco fuse
hot glue gun
electical tape
tin foil
a 2 inch wide peice of pipe
a container of some sort

first we make the explosive powder. this is made of many small peices of visco fuse. when contained it is pretty explosive. so cut two peices. one is our actual fuse. make this as long as you want. the other should be about as long as your pinky. you should cut this into tiny pieces, and catch the pieces in your container. they should be about the size they are in the picture. this is the beginnings of your explosive charge
Making the Explosive Charge

in this step we are making the explosive. so first you need your electric tape and tinfoil. take two peices of tape about the length of your for arm, and two peices of tin foil, one slightly bigger than the other. now take the powder you just made, and pour it onto the smaller peice of tinfoil. now place your actual fuse on top of the powder. now inclose the powder inside the tinfoil, with the fuse sticking out the top. now wrap your little package tightly with one of your peices of tape. stretch the tape tightly, and mainly tape around the top and bottem of the explosive, so the blast comes out the sides. now repeat the process with your second peice of tinfoil and tape.
The Gernade Body

now momentarily place your explosive aside. we are now building the body of the gernade. so fist rip off a third of your peice of paper and wrap it around your pvc tube. but leave a bit of the paper sticking up beyond the tube. take this bit and fold it inwards and tape it up. you are now done with the main body of your grenade.
The Grenade

now you take your corn kernals, and cover the bottom of your paper tube with them. now take the explosive we just made, and put it inside the tube on top of the kernals. now pour in more kernals, to almost cover the explosive. now you do what we did to the bottom of the tube. fold in the paper, and tape it up.
if you want to stop now you can, and just light the fuse with matches or somthing. but i like to go one step further.
if you want to stop now you can, and just light the fuse with matches or somthing. but i like to go one step further.
The Pull Pin

because i don't like to light my fuses, i am going to use a pull ring to ignite mine. so first take your match box and cut out a strip of the stuff on the side. and also take a bit of wire and make a ring out of it. now take two matches and hot glue them to either side of your fuse. next take your little piece of match paper, and fold it in half, and hook it onto the ring, and tightly tape it onto the matches. let me make that a little clearer, the tape shouldn't be touching the matches, so the paper is just held tightly against the matches. now you are done. when you pull the ring it ignites the matches, which ignite the fuse.