ADC With MSP430

by drselim in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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ADC With MSP430

ADC in MSP430 Microcontroller

Hi, in this instructable, we'll see the ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) module in the MSP430 and by the circuit that we'll build, we're going to measure the analog voltage output from a potentiometer with the help of a multimeter. And by writing C code in CCS, we'll read the same values of the potentiometer and display them by the help of a serial monitor. In addition to this, with the help of a shift register and LED array we'll make a voltage level monitor which gradually turns on/off the LEDs according to the output of the potentiometer (This part is optional, the code will work with or without this part).


MSP430 Launchpad, Potentiometer (10K used here), jumper cables, 74HC595 shift register (optional), LED array (optional), current limiting resistors(optional), Code Composer Studio.

Circuit Setup


In the pictures, you can see the connections between the potentiometer, shift register and the launchpad.

To summarize:

Potentiometer Vcc --> 3.3 Volts on Launchpad

Potentiometer GND --> GND on Launchpad

Potentiometer Output (middle pin) --> P1.3 on Launchpad

(Optional) Shift Register Vcc & GND --> 5V and GND on Launchpad respectively

(Optional) Shift Register QA to QH Outputs --> LEDs over current limiting resistors

(Optional) Shift Register SER pin --> P1.0 on Launchpad

(Optional) Shift Register OE pin --> GND on Launchpad

(Optional) Shift Register RCLK pin --> P1.5 on Launchpad

(Optional) Shift Register SRCLK pin --> P1.4 on Launchpad

(Optional) Shift Register SRCLR pin --> 5V on Launchpad

CCS Code & Experiment


After building the circuit setup, you can use the following code for the experiment:

After running the code in CCS, to create the terminal connection (Putty or the CCS built in terminal) you should use the COM port indicated in the device manager (for Windows) and you should set the baudrate to 19200 (this is set in the C code)

In the terminal window, you'll see the ADCMEM register value (between 0 and 1023) and the corresponding Voltage level in the second line. You can compare these values if you use a multimeter for the Potentiometer Output.

I hope this instructable has been useful for understanding the basics of ADC in MSP430.

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See you in another one!