A/B Class Amplifier

I had a desire to assemble a power amplifier with my own hands, read many articles and forums, and decided for myself what I would do based on the mx50se, but with some improvements. As a result, I use it every day for a year, everything works, kef q150 acoustics

I spent a lot of time assembling and configuring it, about a month, but it was worth it, I ordered almost all the parts on Aliexpress. The most expensive is the case, about $ 120 and the transformer is $ 70, everything else is small stuff, in total I spent about $ 350

First, I assembled the amplifier boards themselves, replaced the capacitors from the kit with more capacious ones, also added shunting with film capacitors, and checked each board

Then I positioned all the elements inside the case and made marks for the holes, drilled and threaded where needed.

Then I fixed all the elements in their places, connected everything and started checking.

I also washed all the boards in an ultrasonic flux bath, took the Zobel-Boucher circuit from another amplifier circuit, and cut a 1mm thick rubber gasket under the transformer.

I set the quiescent current to 13mA and checked it under 8ohm load, so I got 80 Watts from the channel, the total output power is 160 watts at 8ohm load, which I consider a very good result, the amplifier plays perfectly. I have now ordered a new kef q550 speaker, and I also plan to buy a wiim pro plus streaming player.

I forgot to specify, now the Chinese cheap aiyima dac 5 max dac is acting as a dac, for its price of $ 100 it produces good 24bit 192khz sound, both via optical cable and Bluetooth, but the best is USB with drivers up to 384k, and this dac also has a full-fledged headphone amplifier with a power of 500 MV, specifications You can find it on aliexpress