A6M Zero Metal Sign

The dimension: Width 20 X Length 54.5 centimeters thickness 2 mm.
Hello, this project I try to do something, that use the leftover metal from the last project. The sheet metal is rusted not too bad, So I cut the sheet metal into rectangle as big as possible. I thought of the airplane maybe in WW2 , so look up and found the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. The airplane is white and the proportion just right for the sign and write the word Kamikaze in Japanese with the touch up of rust in some areas. The A6M Zero metal sign looks antique on any wall in any room. Let’s begin.
Supplies that you need to do the A6M Zero Metal Sign’s project.
1. Sheet metal. Acrylic paint, Color pencils, and Paint brush.
2. White chalk pencil, and Masking tape.
3. Vinegar, and Scotch brite.
Cut the Sheet Metal
Look for some sheet metal leftover from the last project, make sure it big enough for the painting (it can be bigger or smaller). I use the grinder to cut the sheet metal into the straight line, after that I filed the edges to make sure that the sheet metal is not sharp and drill the hole using 3 mm. drill bit to all 4 corners.
Draw the A6M Zero

Now I clean the metal and get ready for tracing the A6M Zero airplane. You need to have the A6M Zero airplane on the paper and then use the white chalk pencil draw the A6M Zero airplane on the metal sign and the word Kamikaze in Japanese writing at the bottom left hand corner.
Paint Acrylic and Color Pencil

Thank you
Special thank
Mr. Noom