A2 Overhead Corner-LEDs Lightbox - Platform Extension
by corelines in Circuits > Cameras
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A2 Overhead Corner-LEDs Lightbox - Platform Extension

This is a pull-apart platform for the Instructable here and here.
The criteria for this make are:
- Raise the lightbox to a height where you can
- Hover over the camera viewfinder in its highest position.
- Position the objects on the stage whilst standing.
- Use the platform in the basic configuration and with the softbox extension.
- Wheel the platform around in its compact form.
- Lock onto the lightbox with minimum effort.
- Position the lights around the lightbox at a more comfortable height.
- Run the leads to the lights in concealed "tunnels" for better safety.
- Re-position the lights to change intensity.
The Materials

- 12mm MDF [buy]
- 6 off 400mm x 525mm
- 6 off 102mm x 525
- 1 off 306mm x 525mm
- 12 off 42mm x 18mm pine 525mm long [buy]
- 30mm x 2.4m Clear Pine External Corner Round Edge Moulding [buy]
- 2 off 540mm long
- 2 off 320mm long
- 4 off castors [buy]
- ~80 off 25mm countersunk screws [buy]
- ~16 of 3G x 10mm countersunk screw [buy]
- ~14 off 4G x 15mm countersunk screw [buy]
- PVA Wood Glue [buy]
- 4 off ABS 30mm corrner support [print] [buy]
- 6 off ABS Halogen lamp guide leg [print] [buy]
- 3 off halogen light hooks [print] [buy]
The Tools

- Mitre saw
- Drill
- Phillips head screw driver
- 4.5mm Countersink Bit
Assembling the 3 Units

Ensure the 306mm x 525mm piece fits in between the T-Connectors on the base of the lightbox (with a a few mm of clearance) - if it doesn't adjust the measurements as needed.
- For each of the vertical sides (MDF 525 x 400mm):
- Lay the MDF flat in the work area.
- Pre-drill 3 4.5mm holes 20mm in on all corners and 1 in between them (20mm in) on the 525mm edges.
- These are to be countersunk with combined countersunk bits or a separate Countersink Bit.
- Apply some wood glue to one of the bigger sides on the 42 x 18 x 525 pine.
- Line-up glued side to MDF 525mm edge opposite to countersunk sides.
- Fasten glued timber to MDF with 3 off 25mm countersunk screws.
- Repeat for other edge then do the same for all vertical sides.
- You should now have 6 panels glued and screwed with 2 timbers each - let these dry overnight (or the prescribed amount).
- For each of the horizontal sides (MDF 525 x 102mm) - Pre-drill 6 off 4.5mm holes as per image #4 countersunk as above.
- Stand 2 off vertical panels, timbers inside and at top and bottom, 102mm from outside to outside.
- Support them with blocks (or the like).
- Apply glue on (top) lines where MDF meets timber.
- Position MDF 102mm x 525mm on top of glue, countersunk side up.
- Screw 25mm countersunk screws into the 6 holes.
- Turn the unit over.Repeat #6 - #8.Repeat #3 - #9 for the 3 units.
- You should now have 3 units glued and screwed completely - let these dry overnight (or the prescribed amount).
- If using the halogen hooks, assemble as per the instructions at thingiverse.
Assembling the Base

- Cut 45 degree miters on the 2 long L pieces at 539mm overall.
- Cut 45 degree miters on the 2 short L pieces at 320mm overall.
- Layout the corners, and place the 306 x 525mm MDF base inside them.
- Place the 3 units on the base. This is to ensure the base will fit the units once fastened.
- Put the ABS corners on the L piece corners.
- Fasten these with 4 off 3G x 10mm countersunk screws on each corner.
- Remove the units.
- Pre-drill 14 off 4.5mm holes as per image #5 countersunk as above.
- Fasten the MDF to the L pieces with 4G x 15mm countersunk screws.
- Turn the base over.
- Place a castor in each corner hard up against the inside of the L pieces.
- Fasten the castors in place with 3G x 10mm countersunk screws.
- Turn the base over.

Without the softbox extension (standard lightbox)
- Place the units in the base.
- Place the lightbox on the platform (units & base), between the bottom PVC supports.
- Wheel to light stable area (no strong external influences or dark).
- Attach power to 12V bulkhead connector.
- Turn on lights.
- Position subject.
- Position camera - square, level, height, frame.
- Modify illumination.
- Modify camera settings.
- Take shots.
With the softbox extension.
- Find a light stable area ~1.2m x 1.8m.
- Position two side units ~500mm apart.
- Position rear unit center and offset ~ 200mm.
- Place lightbox/softbox on internal horizontal surfaces of units.
- Make minor adjustments.
- Install Halogen lamp guide legs as per Thingverse instructions.
- Place lights on outer edge of units.
- Run power leads through units to central power board.
- Attach to 240V.
- Turn on .
- Position subject.
- Position camera - square, level, height, frame.
- Modify illumination.
- Modify camera settings.
- Take shots.