A Delicious Thumb Drive

How to Immortalize a delicious beverage cup by making it into a USB Thumb drive.
This was inspired by larskflem's instructable How to make a USB thumb drive gift more memorable.
Its also very very low cost (except for the drive itself)
The purpose of this being that no one will ever know that you are secretly transferring data, under the cover of a popular drink. Spies need these things, I should be M.
Duh nun na nun na.... (MI theme)
Anyway its a good gift if you make it a personal thing and it only took me like 5 minutes. So without further ado....
This was inspired by larskflem's instructable How to make a USB thumb drive gift more memorable.
Its also very very low cost (except for the drive itself)
The purpose of this being that no one will ever know that you are secretly transferring data, under the cover of a popular drink. Spies need these things, I should be M.
Duh nun na nun na.... (MI theme)
Anyway its a good gift if you make it a personal thing and it only took me like 5 minutes. So without further ado....

Your going to need a few things to get started, but overall this is a very simple project.
1. Cup, pick one that looks nice or has a relevance and fits your USB drive. I chose mine because my mom loves Starbucks.
2. Ruler.
3. USB drive, smaller = better.
4. Pen or pencil for marking.
5. Hot glue gun/ extra glue.
6. A laptop. A desktop could work but this is intended to look inconspicuous so a laptop is probably better.
1. Cup, pick one that looks nice or has a relevance and fits your USB drive. I chose mine because my mom loves Starbucks.
2. Ruler.
3. USB drive, smaller = better.
4. Pen or pencil for marking.
5. Hot glue gun/ extra glue.
6. A laptop. A desktop could work but this is intended to look inconspicuous so a laptop is probably better.
Mesure Twice, Cut Once.

So first measure the distance from the ground to the top of the USB port on you lap top.
Next measure that distance and mark it on your cup.
Third, look at the two together and check to make sure it looks right, as you can see it took me a few tries.
Fourth, using the line on your cup as a guide mark a USB shaped hole in the cup with your drive.
Last, cut the rectangle out, I used an exacto knife and some scissors (I didn't put them in the supplies, sue me).
I took pictures of virtually everything so look down.
PS. Its better to cut lower on the cup than higher if your not sure, it will float a bit of the table but as long as its not too much no one should notice.
Next measure that distance and mark it on your cup.
Third, look at the two together and check to make sure it looks right, as you can see it took me a few tries.
Fourth, using the line on your cup as a guide mark a USB shaped hole in the cup with your drive.
Last, cut the rectangle out, I used an exacto knife and some scissors (I didn't put them in the supplies, sue me).
I took pictures of virtually everything so look down.
PS. Its better to cut lower on the cup than higher if your not sure, it will float a bit of the table but as long as its not too much no one should notice.
Make Sure It Fits, and Then Glue That Bad Boy.

Make sure your drive fits, and that its at the right level, you can easily make the cut a little lower, higher is manageable too if you use the hot glue well.
Then, stick it in and glue the front and back onto the inside of the cup. I used a ton of glue, you probably don't need that much.
PS. i glued the outside some too, big mistake. I had to scrape it all off for it to fit inside, and it holds up just fine from the inside.
Then, stick it in and glue the front and back onto the inside of the cup. I used a ton of glue, you probably don't need that much.
PS. i glued the outside some too, big mistake. I had to scrape it all off for it to fit inside, and it holds up just fine from the inside.
Thats a Wrap.

Put it in the drive, see if it works, make sure to rename it something nicer, I decided to be original and use "Starbucks".
Post Script.
I want to fill it up with something that mimics a liquid to make it feel full, I'm thinking maybe plaster but it might be too heavy, possibly hot glue it all the way up? Any suggestions would be helpful.
I would suggest using a more personal cup to you, and post any pictures of your finished products.
PPS If anyone was wondering this is a Christmas present for my mom...so thats why its all Christmasy
PPPS First instructable, comments on improving it appreciated.
I would suggest using a more personal cup to you, and post any pictures of your finished products.
PPS If anyone was wondering this is a Christmas present for my mom...so thats why its all Christmasy
PPPS First instructable, comments on improving it appreciated.