A Spiral Adventure

In today's story, the children of Lake Namun honored and restored the lake by discovering and drawing spiral patterns. This practice inspired the community to come together and restore the lake. While Corvallis doesn't have a lake that needs restoring right now, we are a community that, like the world community, is feeling isolated and kind of sad sometimes because of social distancing. Spirals are such a beautiful symbol. Let's inspire and make people smile by going on an adventure to make spirals and leave them around for people to find! It's easy, and best of all, it's a way to bring joy without having to make actual contact with people. Social distancing!
-a walk
-whatever you can find!
Make Your First Spiral!

I started on my spiral quest on my own front porch. My neighbors have a big flowering bush that's been dropping blossoms onto my driveway. So I decided to make my first spiral out of flower petals on my porch.
I just pulled off all of the petals, gathered them into a pile, and laid them out in a spiral.
Mission accomplished! Maybe my college-age neighbors will see it and wonder about it and smile. (Or they'll just think it's yet another weird thing that the odd townies in the downstairs apartment are up to, which is how I think they regard most of my activities.)
Make Another Spiral!

Aha! An empty lot with a big patch of dirt. An ideal spiral location!
I gathered a bunch of white rocks and concrete scraps, because I knew they'd show up very nicely against the gray dirt. Then I made a spiral!
Okay, off to the next one!
What Else Can You Make Spirals Out Of?

Tall grass! That's a good material.
Here's a park, bordered by tall, unmown grass. I picked a bunch and then laid it out in a big spiral on the ground. It's a little harder to see, since it's green on green, but I bet someone will come to walk their dog and stumble upon it and wonder.
You Can Draw Spirals, Too!

Oh, look! A patch of barren dirt. And what's this? A stick! Let's draw a spiral!
You could also draw spirals with chalk on the sidewalk or your driveway, but I didn't have any chalk.
Spirals Everywhere!

In another park, I came upon this picnic table. Another excellent place for a spiral!
I found lots of twigs lying around and arranged them into this spiral. Hopefully the next person who uses this picnic table will get a smile out of it.
Other People Are Doing Similar Things!
While I was hunting around for some good twigs, I came across this painted stone that someone left under a tree in the park. Everyone's just trying to bring a little joy in ways that can happen via social distance.
Let's do the same with spirals!