A Robot That Will Hit Your Teeth OUT
by vinvout-io in Circuits > Robots
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A Robot That Will Hit Your Teeth OUT

This is just a fun project. This was my first somewhat big project at the beginning. So I got this idea when I was playing a board game called carroms(In this game we hit something like a coin into a hole to gain points). So what it basically does is that this robot will strike things into a specific area, like a hole (in the case of the game). So for detecting the position of the hole I just placed a torchlight at the back of the hole, which means we can use an LDR to know from where the light is coming. This robot has two motors, one for always rotating and looking for the light, and another one for striking the object.
- BO Motor x 2
- BO Wheel
- LDR(light dependent resistor)
- L298N Motor driver
- Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino board )
- 9v battery
- Jumper wires
- Cardboard
- Steel rod/ any hard thin material
Let's Get Started

- Make a box using cardboard and
- Then stick a motor with the wheel attached and, on top of that motor we have to fix another one(I know it is very confusing, sorry, please look at the image).
- OK, that's done now we need to place the striker, the metal rod, so we need an extension for the shaft, for that, I used a pen's body (It can be easily plugged into the shaft), and then you just have to tie up the rod to our extension.
- place the LDR in such a way that it comes on top of the top motor.
Now It's Time to Wire Up Things

Just wire it up as shown in the schematic
Placing Things
Now place the Arduino and motor driver to each side of the cardboard box and make sure the striker won't hit them and mess everything up.

But here comes a problem. When connecting the top motor to the Arduino, when the motor spins the wires will get tangled. So for solving that problem I took a thin aluminum rod and bend it to a 'c' shape and put the wires through the rod and to the top of the motor to connect them, this time the wires won't get tangled.
How It Woks

From this video, you will get a clear-cut idea of how this thing works.
Progrmming Part
void setup (void) { pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // top motor pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //top motor opposite direction pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //bottom motor pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //bottomm motor opposite direction pinMode(A0, INPUT); // LDR pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //ENB top motor pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // ENA bottom motor analogWrite(10, 255); // speed bottom motor analogWrite(9, 255); while(true){ if(analogRead(A0)<=900){ //top motor digitalWrite(2,LOW); digitalWrite(3,LOW); digitalWrite(4,HIGH); //bottom motor digitalWrite(5,LOW); delay(700); }if(analogRead(A0)>=900){ //checking analogRead at some intervals so it perfectly works digitalWrite(4,LOW); digitalWrite(5,LOW); ; digitalWrite(2,HIGH); digitalWrite(3,LOW); delay(1); digitalWrite(2,LOW); digitalWrite(3,LOW);// top motor } if(analogRead(A0)<=900){ digitalWrite(4,LOW); //checking analogRead at some intervals so it perfectly works digitalWrite(5,HIGH); delay(700); /* for not tangling */ digitalWrite(4,LOW); digitalWrite(5,LOW); }else{ digitalWrite(4,LOW); digitalWrite(5,LOW); digitalWrite(2,HIGH); digitalWrite(3,LOW); delay(10); // top motor digitalWrite(2,LOW); digitalWrite(3,LOW); } } } void loop(void) { }
Open your Arduino ide and upload the code.

Finally, be careful while playing with this thing or you will end up looking like this. And of course, this robot is not always that accurate, but it's a lot of FUN!!!