A Percy Jackson Camp Jupiter Halloween Costume

by shiny123 in Craft > Costumes & Cosplay

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A Percy Jackson Camp Jupiter Halloween Costume


For Halloween, I usually go as a witch because we have the witch hat, and it was easy to do. But this year I thought why not get in the Halloween spirit early and make a costume from my favorite book series? And my favorite series happened to be Percy Jackson. So I thought why not make a Camp half-blood costume? But then I remembered I had this amazing purple shirt, and why not use it to make a Camp Jupiter costume? And it all came together. This costume is easy to make and fun to be.



A purple t-shirt, A printout of the Camp Jupiter logo, A square piece of cardboard, Acrylic titanium white paint, Q tips for painting with, Sharpie, Jeans, A plastic version of a gold coin or a ballpoint pen or a toy sword, string for a necklace chord, Tape, and a Punch.

Paint the Cardboard Square


Punch a hole in the top part of the cardboard cutout. Paint the cardboard square on both sides with the paint, the painted cardboard cutout will serve as your probatio tablet. Wait for it to dry.

Purple T-shirt


While you are waiting for the paint to dry, tape the printout of the Camp Jupiter logo onto the shirt. Put the tape on every part of the printout and tape it to the shirt.

Writing Δοκιμασία


When the paint dries, write with the sharpie, “Probatio” in greek to make it interesting. The Greek word for probatio is in the title of this step.

Thread It


Now just thread the hole with the string. Tie the ends of the string into a knot, to make the necklace secure.

Costume Time


Now put on the t-shirt, jeans, and the necklace. To make the costume very real, get the plastic gold coin, a ballpoint pen, or a toy sword to make you look like an official roman demigod from Percy Jackson. If you don’t end up scaring people, you’ll at least scare some monsters.