A Mini Wireless Book Clip Lamp
by technocraftStudio in Workshop > Lighting
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A Mini Wireless Book Clip Lamp

This is the time for Books Contest. It is said by our editors that "Books have always been more than just pages bound together. They are portals to different worlds, sources of knowledge, and companions in our life journeys" and thus it's true.
So, here I bring a mini Wireless Book Clip Lamp for reading books at night. This is very important to keep someone else's privacy and peach in mind and not disturbing them as well.
This is going to be a simple as well a bit tricky steps. Because I have managed many things here to adjust the space and size of the components so that our end product can be as small and lightweight as possible.
As a feature, this lamp has...
- Clip system to easily attach to a book or diary
- Wireless (works on battery)
- Micro UBS charging
- A micro power switch to ON/OFF
- Potentiometer to adjust the LED brightness
- Realistic table Lamp design
- Low power consumption
So, just easily go through the steps below and build one for yourself.

Below are the basic Tools and Materials that I used to make this mini wireless Book Lamp,
- PVC Pipe or sheets
- 2x Springs
- Metal Rod (3mm)
- Super-glue
- Nut & Bolt (M2x10)
- Micro Screws (watch and goggle screws)
- Spray Paint (silver-white)
- Hot Air Gun
- Nipper/Plier
- Cutter
- Hacksaw
- Sandpaper/Files
- Drill & Bits
- Soldering Iron
- Screw-Driver
- 550mAh Lipo Battery
- Charging Module
- Micro Switch
- 1k - 10k Potentiometer
- 1w - 3w LED
- Wires
- Heat-shrink Tube
Preparing PVC Materials

This Lamp is basically made with PVC sheets. Here I used PVC pipes of different thicknesses like 0.5mm, 1mm, 2mm.
Here I took electrical PVC pipes, these gives the most thin sheets for this project and other thick sheets are from normal water PVC pipes.
First I heat the PVC tubes with hot air gun to flat them and then I cut the sheets according to the design and need. Also I cut few PVC bars and bend few of them by heating to use them in the borders.
Making the Battery Compartment

Here I measure the battery dimensions and took one piece of PVC and made a compartment to fit the battery in.
Making Compartments and Covers

Next, I made another identical compartment to fit all the electronics in. Here I used few small pieces of PVC in each corner and sides to insert the cover screws in.
Here, the bottom compartment will be used to fit the battery and top compartment will used to fit the switch, charging module, the potentiometer and wires.
Making the Lamp Head

In this step, we made our lamp head to fit the led inside. Here I used Electrical pipes and cut them into different sizes and diameter to get a lamp shape design.
Then I used a plastic cap to hold the LED in and glued all the pieces together. Lastly I added a small PVC pieces by drilling in the middle to the end to get it clamp later.
Adding the LED to the Lamp Head

Here I used a low power consumption 1w LED to have a longer battery time. I soldired two wires in the LED and inserted through the lamp head and fix the led inside.
Making the Lamp Stands

Here I used a slight thick PVC sheet and cut few bars to make some stands for the lamp. Then I drilled holes in the ends to fix the bolts later on.
Preparing the Top Compartment Cover

Here I made a hole for the potentiometer knob and for the lap stands.
Making the Brightness Control Knob

As I discussed earlier this lamp has a potentiometer to adjust the LED brightness. For this I made a small Knob to fit in the potentiometer stick.
Then I made a hole in the top compartment cover to fit the potentiometer dial through it. Also in the backside I made another space to screw the lamp stands.
Please follow the images above to understand.
Preparing the Potentiometer

At the time of making I didn't found a dial potentiometer, that's why I disassembled a regular one and made it small and low height to fit in the compartment.
Then I inserted the dial in the cover and fixed a knob limit to the top cover, so that it doesn't spin and rotates in a limit.
So please follow the images above to understand clearly.
Preparing the Power Switch

In the top compartment, first I measured the component dimensions and according to them I made some fixed marking with PVC so that all the components stays in their respective position.
Here I used a micro switch for the power button. But the height of the button slightly exceeds the compartment height, so it was needed to remove the switch covering. In this way the switch mechanism becomes smaller than before and then I reinstalled the switch in the position.
Compartment Parts Upto Now

Here are all the parts prepared up to now.
Making Clip System

Next I made few more PVC pieces and drilled in them, to fix in the middle of two compartments to hold them together with the help of a metal rod.
Also in the corners I attached two circular PVC pieces, so that here we can install our springs to have a clip mechanism.
After Applying Color

Then I applied a Silver spray paint to the components and then started assembling the parts.
Finish the Battery Compartment

Now, I inserted the Lipo battery in the bottom compartment and take out the wires through the side hole and then fixed the cover by screwing.
Adding the Compartments

Next I
Attach the Two Compartments Together

Here I used a metal rod that I inserted through the holes of two chambers and attach them together, also installed the springs.
Adding the Electronics

Next, I added all the electronics in the top compartment on by one and soldiered the wires together.
Adding the Lamp Stands

Next, I attached all the lamp stand prepared before one by one by using M2 nut and bolts, so that it can be adjusted according to the need.
Adding the Lamp Head

Lastly, I installed the lamp head that was previously ready and connect the wires to the elctronics.
Final Finished Product - Wireless Book Clip Lamp

This is our final finished product : A mini Wireless Book Clip Lamp for all book lovers and night readers.
Thank you so much for reading this instructable.
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