A Glorious Fan (By - Aymaan)

by 1011929 in Circuits > Electronics

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A Glorious Fan (By - Aymaan)

Screenshot 2024-06-18 182917.png

This is a fan circuit which can help people when its hot.


  • 1 breadboard
  • 3 different color led's
  • Different color wires (can use same color wires).
  • 1 L293D chip
  • 1 dc motor
  • 1 slide switch
  • 1 potentiometer
  • battery

Screenshot 2024-06-18 181923.png

The wiring for the circuit.

code for the circuit to run.


What does the switch do?

the switch makes the fan moving in the opposite direction. and the two leds will tell you which direction it is rotating. If the fan is spinning righ t the right led will turn on and if its spinning left the left led will turn on.


Here is the complete circuit, and the video shows how it works-

This circuit is capable to control the speed of DC Motor and give the proper Indication using LEDs. Also, the potentiometer is used to vary the speed of the DC Motor and the slide switch is used to reverse the direction of rotation.