A Dashboard (without Technical Knowledge)
by thethingbox in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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A Dashboard (without Technical Knowledge)
This tutorial shows how easily a dashboard can be added on top of nodeRED running on a Raspberry Pi.
This dashboard adds web widgets that allow to build charts and add buttons that trigger NodeRED flows.
This tutorial uses a TimeSquAir (http://TimeSquAir.io) a all in one Raspberry Pi bundled with a LED Matrix and a NFC tag, easily customizable with a visual editor powered by IBM's Node-RED (http://Nore-RED.org).
Alternatively, you can use a Thingbox (http://theThingbox.io).
Credits: This tutorial uses node-red-contrib-ui from andrei-tatar (https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-red-contrib-ui)
Open the Visual Editor
Open the visual editor with your internet browser.
Install the Software
Then, Use the menu import / node and enter "node-red-contrib-ui", then validate and wait for the install.
Build a Flow
Find the "UI" category in the palette and build this flow.
Open the Dashboard
From the browser, just add "/ui" to the internet address in your browser to open the dashboard.
When you move the slider, the gauge and the chart update accordingly.
More !
Get a fully description here: http://thethingbox.io/docs/contrib-ui.html
Learn how to link things together with TimeSquAir (http://TimeSquAir.io)
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