A Bear With a Light Up Stomach!
by Nicole Berger in Circuits > LEDs
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A Bear With a Light Up Stomach!
Hello! I made a bear with a light up stomach. This was a really fun project to do because the bear was easy to move around and it lit up really easily. The lights were a whole other story, so try not to get too frustrated while making this. This project was inspired by my one of my good friends and I really appreciate their help with this project.

Things that you will need include:
- a bear of your choice
- a seam ripper
- wire
- 2 blue LEDs (can be any color, i just chose 2 blue ones)
- a CR2032 battery
- a switch with a battery holder
Grab the Bear and Seam Ripper

You are going to want to grab your bear and your seam ripper to start this project off.
Cut the Bear Open

You need to cut the side of it's stomach open so you can put the lights in the bear. The best way to do this would be having a seam ripper cut the original pieces of string. You would also want to cut the back of it open so you have a much easier way to get the lights through the bear with the battery attached, and you could rearrange them if needed.
Getting the Fluff Out

The fluff is very important for a bear to have, but you need to take it our so it will be 1000x easier getting all your lights put in. You only need to take out your stomach fluff though, you can leave everything else the way it was originally.
Getting the Lights Prepped

The first step would be to cut the wire with the wire cutters and then, on each end of the wire, cut the rubber part off. This part of the wire will circle around the holes in your switch and the holes in your LEDs. You will do this step 1 more time. Make sure your LEDs light up in the end. Make any adjustments to it if your LEDs don't light up
Putting the Lights in the Bear

Once the lights are in your grasp, you need to go in the bear through the back and then you can put your fingers on the other hand through the stomach hole. Once that is done, you should be able to feel where the lights are and then pull then through until the battery is right against the back side of the bear. You can position the lights how ever you want them.
Stuffing It Back Up

Next you are going to re-stuff your bear, make sure to be careful of the wires. You will use about 1/3 of your original stuffing.
Sewing It Up

Time to sew it up! You will grab what ever color thread you have and a needle, make one end of the thread go through the hole in the needle, and tie a knot at the end of it. After that, start at the very end of the hole you made in the bear and start go the direction of the holes opening.
Light Up Bear!

Congratulations on your new light up bear!